Chapter 10

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"Don't go Roberto."

"But I need to. You'll always be in my heart and I'll meet you again in my dreams in the place where I'll never have to leave you."

I looked at the movie screen and gagged.

"Why did I pick this movie? It's so cheesy." I whispered to Zack in the seat next to me.

"You're the one who said you liked romance movies." He whispered back.

"Yeah, good romance movies not whatever this garbage is."

"Shhh!" A voice came from Zack's side.

At first I thought it was him shushing me but then I saw the guy sitting next to him glaring at me.

I shut my mouth and sat through the rest of the movie until it was over.

As soon as I saw the credits rolling and the lights in the theater room came on I grabbed Zack's hand and rushed us out of there.

"Well, I can tell that was your favorite movie." He said once we made it outside.

"I hated it." I said a bit frustrated at myself for picking a horrible movie to watch on our first date.

It's been five days since Zack and I started dating and so far we've mostly spent all our time at his place. If weren't at Zack's place swimming or playing board games with his family we were at Josephine's swimming and playing video games. So it was nice to have a real first date where we were alone today. I just hate that the first movie we saw together was that stupid romance movie.

We already ate dinner so there wasn't much anything else for us to do that would make up for it.

"Should I take you home now?" He said looking at me.

"Yeah," I said a bit sad.

He noticed the change in my tone. "Are you ok? Do you not want to go home?"

"No, that's not it. I just hate myself for ruining our first date."

He laughed a little. "You didn't ruin it. I actually had a lot of fun."

I didn't know if he was saying that to make me feel better or what but I decided to take his word for it.

I grabbed his hand again and we started to walk to his car side by side.


When we pulled up to Josephine's house. I saw my mom's car parked in the driveway. I started panicking because I told my parents that I was hanging with Josephine tonight. I told them nothing about Zack because I didn't know how they would react to me dating him even though they gave me the green light to date.

"Um, just drop me off. You don't need to come in." I said once he parked the car.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." I quickly got out of the car and ran inside.

"Mom, hi!" I said once I made it in the house and I saw my mom sitting at the kitchen table with Mrs. O'Day and Josephine.

"Hi, Melody. Do have something to share with me?"

"Come on Josephine. I think we should give these two some privacy."

I watched as Josephine and her mom got up from the table and left the kitchen.

"Mom, I can explain."

"Oh, please do."

"I didn't know how to tell you."

"We told you, you could date. If we knew you were going to go behind our backs and try to hide things we wouldn't have allowed you to date because it's clear that you're not mature enough to have a boyfriend."

"I'm sorry. I won't lie anymore."

"You have two options either your father and I get to meet him or you break up with him and wait until you're eighteen to date and sneak around with whoever."

"You just wanted to meet him? You should've said that sooner." I tried to lighten the mood.

She gave me a look.

"Okay sorry, I'll set up a time and date for you guys to meet him."

She nodded her head in agreement.

"Also, I know you practically live here now but the people who birthed you want to see you too. It would be nice to see your face around the house sometimes."

"Meet my boyfriend and see me home more you got it!" I smiled.

She laughed a little and I was relieved to see that she wasn't as mad at me as I thought she would be.

"I have to get home. Your father and I are watching a movie tonight. We'd invite you but my guess is you want to spend time with your twin."

"I'll spend the night at home tomorrow."

"Okay, that sounds good."

She got up from the table and walked over to where I was to give me a kiss on the head.

"Thank you for being honest with me tonight, Josephine."

I quickly turned in my seat and looked over to where Josephine was sitting at the bar. She must've came in right as our conversation was ending.

I wanted to hear the story of what actually went on here tonight and how on earth my mom found out about me and Zack, but maybe some things should be left unknown. I knew in my heart that Josephine would never rat me out, so I think it was best to let this one go.

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