Chapter 12

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My parents still haven't told me what my punishment was for driving alone. I guess they're waiting for after today to punish me because I know being grounded means not being able to see Zack and my parents wanted to meet him ASAP.

I haven't been to Josephine's place for a couple of days because I didn't want to see Aizen anymore. I told Josephine that I needed to be home more and that I needed to spend some time with my own family, which was true I had been spending way too much time at her place. Not seeing my best friend hurt since we were supposed to be inseparable but this needed to happen.

When Aizen and I met I thought I had found a friend and then when we started dating I thought I found my soulmate, and I thought he felt the same but things couldn't be further from the truth. You're not supposed to outgrow your soulmate and he did... he outgrew me. It's sad but I needed to move on. I'm glad I have Zack now. I decided that I would never break the rules for Aizen again and it was time I put him in my past forever.

"Melody we're leaving." My mom's voice traveled up the stairs.

"I'll be there in a second," I yelled back.

I looked at my outfit and made a face in the mirror. The long skirt and baggy blouse I had on made me want to cry. If you thought of the most unsexy thing you could think of and put me next to it that thing would seem like fine china compared to me. There was no sexy black dress for me today. I wish my spontaneous aunt was here to save the day like she did last Christmas. Zack was going to take one look at me and run for the hills once he saw how I really dress.

"Melody!" This time it was my dad's rough voice that I heard call my name from downstairs.

I turned off the lights in the bathroom and went  to go meet my parents where they were waiting for me downstairs.


"Can I get you something to drink while you wait?" Our waiter asked. He's probably checked up on us about ten times now.

My parents and I arrived at Far Below thirty minutes ago and we've been waiting for Zack to arrive ever since.

"I'll take a water please." I said looking up at the waiter.

"Okay, I'll be right out with that." The waiter said before walking away again.

"Where's your boy, Melody? He's a little late." My mom said sounding a bit inpatient.

"A little late is an understatement." My dad laughed.

My parents weren't very patient people but Zack was late. There was no way I could defend him.

"I'm sure he has a great explanation for why he's not here yet-"

"Sorry I'm late. Traffic was really bad." I heard a male voice from behind me. You must be Mr and Mrs. Young. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

"The pleasure is all ours." My mom said eyeing Zack.

"We waited for you." I said moving a bit in my seat to where I could see him.

"Thank you, beautiful." Zack kissed me on the cheek before taking a seat next to me.

I saw my parents exchange a look between each other after Zack had kissed me. I could tell they weren't going to approve of him, especially since he wasn't a Christian.

"Zack what made you want to date our daughter?" My dad came right out of the gate with the questions.

"Um, she's kind and a very forgiving person. Did I also mention she's beautiful?"

My mom smiled at his sweet comments about me.

"What school do you go to?" My mom asked him.

"I go to the same school as Melody. I'm a grade above."

"How old are you?" My dad asked him.

"He's sixteen. Can we tone it down with the questions. This is a dinner not an interrogation." I said frustrated.

Before either one of my parents could reply the waiter came back with my water.

"Are you guys ready to order?"

"Yes, I think we're ready now." My dad smiled up at the waiter.

I watched as the waiter pulled out an iPad from the pocket of his apron. "Perfect if you could all tell me what you're getting today that would be great."

We all took turns telling the waiter our order. After we were done, we waited about twenty minutes for him to come back with our food.

The table was silent as everyone ate their food.

We were halfway done with our meal when
My dad decided to start interrogating Zack again.

"Zack do you read the Bible?"

"Uh, no sir. I'm not particularly religious."

"Melody reads her Bible everyday, don't you Mel?" My dad said looking at me.

Before I started dating Aizen I used to read my Bible every day, but since I was going behind my parents' backs and I was lying to everyone once we started dating somewhere along the way I just kind of stopped reading my Bible and praying to God because I felt like a fraud. I still went to church because my parents made me but my relationship with God was none existent anymore.

There was no way I could tell my parents all that, so I said, "Yeah."

"You guys aren't you know." It was very clear that my dad was hinting at something.

"Um, no sir." Zack said flatly. I could tell even he was getting tired of all the questions.

"Good because I was about to say you should be waiting till marriage or at least we want Melody to."

I sighed. This was going to be a long afternoon.

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