It was time for bed, and Frankie was taking her makeup off and doing her skin care. She didn't realize how much Rob helped her stay grounded without even knowing it. She was starting to get overstimulated from the combination of having over a dozen people in one house, missing Rob, and the fact that it's been almost three weeks, and she she still isn't adjusted to the massive time difference. All she wanted to do was sleep the day off and wait til Rob came back, hopefully by himself.
"Me and Kaylor are sleeping in soul ties." Serena said as Frankie was braiding her hair. She had already put on her pink pajama set and was contemplating how she was going to sleep since she didn't want to share a bed with anyone, so they came at the perfect time.
"Do you wanna join Frankie?" Kaylor asked her.
"Definitely, thank you," she said before grabbing a pillow and blanket and following the two to soul ties.
"Aaron if you're not sleeping outside tonight, I'm going to fucking come for you," Kaylor said, only slightly joking. Newsflash, he not only was sleeping inside, but he was sleeping with another girl, Daniella.
"Rob too," Frankie agreed, and shockingly, he was.
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In casa, all of the boys except Rob were sleeping in bed with someone. Aaron with Daniella, Josh with Destiny, Kordell with Daia, Miguel with Sierra, Kenny with Sydney, Kendall and Catherine, and Lucy was by herself.
He was laying alone in soul ties, wishing that he had Frankie next him and cursing himself for leaving her. He missed the villa and all of the girls, but most importantly, he missed Frankie. He missed how she wasn't a morning person, still having not adjusted to the timezone, he missed cuddling with her on a daybed as they swapped island gossip, he missed how her eyes would light up whenever she was excited, and he missed kissing her lips, and how they felt like home.
It was now morning, and Frankie woke up to Serena shaking her lightly. Serena had already been up talking with Kaylor for a while, but the two knew how worn out Frankie was and decided to let her sleep.
"Good morning my loves," She said to Serena and Kaylor softly. They all hugged and got up to go and get ready for the day. Frankie went to the bathroom, hoping to wash away all of her stress in the shower, before meeting the girls in the dressing room.
"Morning everyone" She said softly, as she walked in.
She was in the middle of doing her makeup, when they heard a knock at the door.
"Come in," JaNa yelled out. The door opened to reveal Maverick walking in with a plate of avocado toast in one hand and a glass of orange juice in the other. He placed it down by Frankie.