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JaNa was the first one to leave the fire pit, and she did so in tears and with the rest of the old villa girls behind her.

"Seriously guys, I'm not, I cant. I cant. I'm not taking so many L's back to back to back. This is like the most embarrassing one. Like i'm not doing that," JaNa told the girls. The girls were all stand off-ish towards the guys. Aaron came over and hugged JaNa to comfort her. He tried to convince her to talk to Kenny and stay, although a bit less passionately than he did for Josh. After he said his peace, Liv pulled JaNa into the dressing room to convince her to stay. Not once did Frankie or any of the other villa girls approach the casa girls or the villa boys, and it was best that way because emotions were running way too high.

"Are you guys okay?" Kendall asked the Casa girls, who were left surrounding the fire pit when the other girls disregarded them.

"That was so mean," Daniella stated.

"Is that how they are?" Sierra asked. "I thought it was just for the tea, but that was crazy."

"That's very intense." Daia chimed in.

"Yeah, i'm sorry. I didn't think it was gonna be this crazy." Kendall apologized.

"I understand that their emotions are hurt. I feel like they could have handled it differently. But i'm not going to be childish and start trying to argue with someone," Daia judged.

"Yeah, it was messy for no damn reason," Sierra said.

"Don't do that," Rob said. "We can't act all high and mighty about this situation. The girls have the right to feel how they feel and even more right to rip us to shreds. I didn't even kiss anyone, but I never should've went to casa to begin with. Everyone was disrespect to their girl in there and there truly was no excuse. I'm sorry, but the only person who had the right to go buck wild in there was Josh, and he was one of the more reserved people." With that, he walked away. He wanted find Frankie and beg for her forgiveness, but first he needed to find Serena.


Miguel and Rob found Serena at the same time. It seemed like the two of them had the exact same idea. Before they could get into their own issues, they first had to cheer up Serena because she was too great of a person to be crying over a man. Kordell may be one of his best friends, but Serena was like his sister, and he would always be there for her.

"I can say, she actually really likes him," Rob said, unhelpfully. Well, no one ever accused him of being good at comforting people, just that he tries.

"Me and him were watching them, and we literally looked at each other like right, this girl feels Kordell," Miguel added. If the villa was ever to teach a course in comforting people, these two need to be first in line because wow.

"They were very close the whole time, and he'll tell you that. They were very close, but he was talking about you nonstop up there."

"There wasn't a single moment where he didn't keep telling her, I do want to get to know Serena."

"He didn't do it to spit you," Rob defended.

"He literally did it because he wanted to see," Miguel tried to say before Serena interrupted.

"There's one thing about exploring a connection respectfully and being disrespectful," she said, and the boys couldn't argue with that logic.

Switching tactics, Rob admitted, "Me personally, I can say that I didn't know about the craziness."

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