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Movie night reconvened, and Kendall was next to receive a text, "How long does the average male orgasm last?"

Catherine pretend to be a man orgasming before saying, "However long that is."

They tried to listen in on the boys, but Miguel immediately caught them, "Keep your eyes on your own damn shit. Just think about how it feels when it happens."

The girls said 4 seconds, and the boys said 7 seconds, so the boys won as the answer was 6 seconds. They chose "Gone Girl". The clip showed Serena, Liv, Kaylor, and Frankie in the dressing room as Serena talked about how much she missed Kordell. It then cut to the girls watching the video of Kordell and Daia humping and kissing. The final clip showed Serena venting to the casa boys and villa girls, minus Frankie, about the situation.

Frankie looked over at the boys couch and she could tell that most of them were embarrassed for him. Kordell and Miguel were hiding their face as Frankie and Rob locked eyes, the two of them cringing at how badly Kordell fucked up.

"Oh that one was rough," Serena said, feeling hurt that she had to relive this pain in front of everyone.

The girls hugged and comforted her. "You stood so strong Serena. Like, I'm so proud of you. You gave me so much strength," Kaylor said.

Once Serena was able to move past it, for now, JaNa's phone chimed. "How many sexual positions does the average couple us regularly?" They went back and forth before the girls decided on two and the boys chose three. The boys were correct again and chose, "Forgetting Leah Marshall". The video was of Miguel in casa and it showed various moments of him and Sierra and saying that she's was his exact type.

Once the video stopped, the boys started making jokes to lighten the situation, but the girls did not appreciate it. Luckily, Rob did not join in, pleasing Frankie.

"It's pathetic cause they're all taking it as a joke," Leah complained.

"It's not fucking funny," Kaylor added. "While we're sitting here crying, being fucking sick over it? fuck this."

"It's a chore. It's a chore."

Sierra spoke up, "I apologize Leah."

"You have nothing to apologize for," Leah said.

"That's hard to see."

"You literally have absolutely nothing to apologize for."

"You literally did nothing wrong."

"You know I would tell you."

"I know you would, bitch. You definitely speak your mind."

Frankie's phone chimed. "What percentage of people have had a one night stand?" she read. Both groups went back and forth before the girls settled on 57% and the boys guessed 80%. Finally, the girls got another question right and selected "Greed Make the Heart Grow Fonder."

"I wonder what this is about?" Serena thought aloud.

"Probably calling me a whore," Liv laughed.

"Girl, if you're a whore then so am I," JaNa joked, the two laughing at their four connections in three weeks.

Daniela, Sierra, Catherine, and Daia were laying in one of the villa's daybeds. They were discussing their current partnerships and how they felt left behind.

"Dani, you're so lucky that your man was single before casa. At least you don't have to deal with someone else pulling his attention," Catherine said.

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