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Brooklyn closed the door behind her, smiling as she watched her nephew run up toward them, Hook, Mary Margaret and David just behind him.

Emma was first to pull the boy into her arms, smiling at her boyfriend. Brooklyn, next to her, as she stared at her parents. Neither one of them said anything.

Brooklyn let out a small, shaky breath as she moved closer to the woman. "I thought about it, and..I forgive you." Mary Margaret felt as though nothing could make this moment any better. "I realised how much you guys were there for me, before all of this. And, it wasn't fair. I wasn't fair to you both." She explained, too embarrassed to look at them. "And..I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm just glad you're okay." The woman smiled, already pulling her daughter, closer. Brooklyn laughed, struggling to breathe a little as the woman's hard grip around her.

David, who had joined the two, kissed the girls temple. Holding a hand on her upper back, before the three turned back to, Emma. She and Hook were holding each other close, when she noticed the older woman stood a bit away from them. Maleficent kept her eyes focused on the two cars, a hopeful expression in her eyes, as she waited.

Taking a minute, Brooklyn quickly walked past her boyfriend, who had given the two a small greeting and made her way toward, Emma's car. Lily, who was sat in the back, silent, looked up when she knocked on the window. Brooklyn, slowly opened the door, leaning on it with a small nod.

"Come on." She whispered, giving the woman an encouraging smile. After taking a second, Lily slowly emerged from the back seat, her eyes mainly focused on her feet. She walked alongside the younger woman, Brooklyn keeping her eyes on, Maleficent.

As soon as the brunette looked up, her expression changed when she noticed the couple watching her. Emma seemed to also catch onto this, quickly taking over for her sister.

"Maleficent. This is, Lily. This is your daughter." She spoke, the blonde smiling as soon as they joined her.

Brooklyn stood back, just as, Regina, Robin, Jackson and Zelena joined them. She gave the younger woman a small look, nodding to her sister. "I have to sort, Zelena out. I need you to do something for me." She whispered, not wanting to draw attention from her parents.

Brooklyn moved over to the cars, leaning forward, curiously. "What do you need me to do?"

"Head over to, Gold's. I need you to get the Author for me." With that, she gave the woman no more answers. Taking the red headed woman's arm, Regina pulled her away, quickly, leaving the younger woman stood there, baffled.


Brooklyn opened the door to the famous shop, keeping her head held high as she walked inside. Gold was nowhere to be seen. She smiled, tilting her head once she noticed, Issac stood there.

"You can't be in here." He spoke, clearly panicked.

Before she could say anything, Gold walked out from the back of his shop, holding his chest as he wobbled in.

"You look like shit." She stated, Gold looking annoyed.

"What do you want?" He snarled, earning a small smirk from the girl. Though, he kept her concerned eyes on him.

"I want the Author. Finding him, was, Regina's idea. Before you went and stole it."

"So, you're here as her guard dog?" Gold asked, his voice weak. "You do..realise, her sending you to do her dirty work a second time now, means only, you're one step closer to fulfilling that prophecy."

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓛𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼Where stories live. Discover now