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Before we continue, the following chapter will include scenes where the OC interacts with God. God represented in this book will not be biblically accurate, it is written to fit the story and how the OC views God. It is in no way to offend anyone, but if you're displeased with how the Creator will be portrayed, you can always click out of the book.

Upon entering the room behind the door, the first thing that caught her eye was the throne-like chair situated in the far end of the room, lifted from the ground by a marble platform, and sitting on the throne was none other than her creator—God.

He sat proudly, four of His eyes fixated on her form, giving off a slightly intimidating look. However, she didn't feel small under his threatening gaze—no—she felt far from it. She was no longer going to let herself play the pawn in this game of His. Today, now and then, she was going to write her own story.

"Happy to see me, Father?" She started whilst steadily making her way towards the throne where the Creator sat rigid in place, unmoving.

"Words cannot describe the emotions stirring within Me upon this rather unexpected encounter, child," He replied in a calm voice, His eyes continuing to follow her form which began growing closer and closer.

She narrowed her eyes.

"Yes, well, I'm not rather pleased to be in your presence, Father," she snapped, finally stopping a few feet away from where He sat, wings now spread behind her, hands curled into fists, her nails digging into the palm of her flesh enough to draw blood.

"I believe you were exiled, child," he continued, ignoring her earlier rude comment. "Being exiled—banished from Heaven means you are not to step foot on these grounds ever again. Explain as to why you are here, please, child."

"Maybe because all I ever was to you was a fucking experiment? A toy to exploit for your own entertainment?" She seethed, her eyes now an onyx color.

God stood from his seat, immediately towering over her figure. He stepped down from the platform and they were finally on the same level, standing on the same ground.

"Everything I have done was for the sake of humanity," he said in an awfully quiet voice, but yet, it carried a hint of threat behind those words.

"Well look at what has become of humanity now," she retorted, scoffing at his words. "Humans are suffering, people are dying, and it's no thanks to you. They blindly look up to you so that you could pity them and bring an end to their sufferings, when in reality—you just enjoy watching the world you built out of boredom—crumble," His eyes narrowed down at her words, for once since their exchange, He was showing slight emotions.

"That's what you did to me, didn't you?" She added in a hurt voice.

Before she could process anything, she was violently slammed into the opposing wall behind her, reminding her of her rather agressive encounter with Azrael back down in Hell, but this time, she heard a crack sounding behind her. She groaned in pain, wincing from the mere  slight movement of her body which felt like a thousand daggers stuck in her back, compelling her to remain still.

She raised an arm to heal her broken back, gritting her teeth while doing so as to not scream out in pain.

While focusing her magic onto her injury, she hadn't noticed God's form growing closer until he was standing right in front of her, casting a shadow over her head.

Before he could let another word form, she kicked him hard in the gut, putting some distance between them before quickly getting up back on her feet, groaning in response to the movement since she had barely healed her injury before launching back into action.

God was quick to get back on His feet, giving her no time to take action at all. Swiftly, he was lunging at her again, but this time, she was able to evade his attack—just barely. Using one of the magical abilities she had managed to gain during her time in Hell, she harvested the energy from the stars above, causing energy to run freely through her veins and give her a slight boost.

She cast a beam of light empowered by the stars, aiming at the Creator, shooting relentlessly, forcing him to block each blast and not being able to send an attack of one of his own.

Seeing as she was barely doing any damage, she decided to up her game a bit.

She could tell just by the way His brows knotted together that he was struggling. God's combat skills were sloppy, she had to admit, since the past decades, all he had to do was sit prettily on a perfectly furnished throne, waiting for everything he needed to be served on a silver platter.

This time, she used her arms, raising them upwards above her head, her goal was to move the position of the stars, giving her the ability to temporarily alter gravity, and just like that, soon enough, both of their feet were levitating over the ground. With nothing to root Him down to the ground, He struggled to remain in place, seeing as He didn't have wings like herself, it was quite a challenge.

Her wings flapped behind her, but did not help in anyway. Gravity was gone, meaning all they could do was float around aimlessly.

She should've paid attention to physics, she thought, or else she would have known it would affect her as well.

Estella managed to hit the Creator's shoulder with another beam of light, earning a pained groan but her victory was short lived. God reversed gravity back to its original state, causing the two to fall back harshly onto the ground. While at it, she wasn't able to regain her footing in time, God having gotten back up swifter and in no time, he was hovering above her, muttering incoherent words quickly over her smaller form.

She watched as the injury she had inflicted on Him begin to heal itself, causing her eyes to widen and in panic, she raised an arm to hurt Him again, but once again, she was too slow. He quickly took hold of her wrist, causing the beam that was originally supposed to hit him, ended up hitting the pillar at by the side of the room. His grip was tight and firm, giving her no chance to withdraw her hand. She attempted to use her other free hand to aim at Him but once more, He took ahold of that one as well.

"Let. Me. Go," she seethed through gritted teeth, tugging harshly in an attempt to free herself, without success.

Suddenly, the door to the room flew open, causing her to flinch from the sound. She turned her head around, her eyes meeting with a figure she had not seen in ages.


Just like his brother Lucifer in every aspect except for the way he held himself, she silently watched as he strolled into the room, eyes set on the Creator holding her hostage whilst carrying something that was long and shined brightly of white.

She gave him a pleading look, hoping he would at least show a bit of sympathy towards her, but what could she expect? She was a disgrace to their family, and knowing Micheal was always the brother who obeyed every single rules and took responsibility over family, he was definitely not going to feel any sympathy or pity towards her.

To her surprise, she watched as he knelt down to her level, then wrapping the object she had seen him carrying over her arms, and to her horror, she realized what it was.

Angelic ropes.

She tried to move away but in vain as God only held her down harsher, causing her wrists to turn red from how tightly He was holding them.

Micheal quickly finished tying the ropes over her wrists, disabling any use of her magical abilities.

Before she could try to make a run for it or fight back, God raised a hand, letting it hover over her head and began to say something she could not make out, before the world suddenly went dark.

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