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Garen stood at the edge of the training yard, arms crossed, his sharp gaze sweeping over the chaotic scene before him. The soldiers scattered across the yard were sparring and drilling with little coordination or focus, their movements erratic and unfocused. It was a far cry from the regimented discipline of Cerberus Tactical, where every action was measured, and every drill had a purpose.

He clenched his jaw, feeling a flicker of irritation. How could they expect to be prepared for the real fight when their training lacked the precision needed for battle?

Nearby, Simon and Sab were wrapping up their sparring session. Simon wiped the sweat from his brow with a grin, while Sab adjusted his stance, stretching his arms as he cooled down. Both of them seemed unaware of the disarray surrounding them, too focused on their own progress.

Garen shook his head slightly, the weight of his experience with Cerberus Tactical pressing down on him. Every training yard he'd ever stepped into had been a place of efficiency, discipline, and ruthlessness. Here, it felt like a waste of time and resources.

Garen's eyes settled on a female soldier, his interest piqued. Among all the girls on the base, she stood out in a way that made it impossible for him to look away.

Her presence was magnetic, drawing his attention with an intensity he hadn’t expected. An unfamiliar, but undeniable, urge to ask her to train with him welled up, catching him off guard. As she began to walk in his direction, his pulse quickened, anticipation rising with each step she took.

But just as he was about to make his move, two other men appeared, cutting across the yard with eager strides, their faces lit up with the same interest that had sparked in him. They reached her first, their expressions full of intent as they vied for her attention. Frustration flickered across Garen's face, his chest tightening with a mix of disappointment and something uncomfortably close to irritation.

“Scheisse,”(shit!)  he muttered under his breath, his frown deepening as he watched the scene unfold, feeling the opportunity slip away.

Garen's eyes crinkle revealing it's smiles behind it's mask, as the girl walks up, almost ignoring the two men that's cutting her way to the imposing man that's captured her curiosity.

"Lieutenant Martle, Sergeant Dunchadh let me have my turn next. Let me teach her some moves."

Simon Martle standing beside Sab Dunchadh folded his arms, their sight grazed over her as if appraising her value.

"You've got shit form?" Lieutenant Martle scoffs. His voice is deep and gruff. Slightly muffled by the mask obscured most of his face.

Hearing the lieutenant's unpleasant cutting remark, the girls' left brow twitched with barely contained irritation. Without a word, she spun on her heel and stalked out of the place.

The air around her seemed to crackle with tension. Her face was hidden behind a stark black mask, its surface unadorned except for a pair of crossed blades etched across the mouth—a silent but unmistakable threat. The sight of it was enough to send a chill down anyone's spine, a reminder of the danger that lay just beneath her composed exterior.

Garen watched as the girl turned and walked away, her face hidden behind that distinctive white mask with the crossed blade design. He felt a pang of frustration, both at Simon's tactless comment and at missing his chance to approach the girl himself.

Simon tilted his head slightly, observing the girl's retreating form. "Hmph. Touchy," he muttered, though there was a hint of intrigue in his tone.

Sab shot Simon an exasperated look. "Nice going, mate. You've scared her off."

He turned to follow the girl, calling out, "Hey, wait up! Don't mind Lieutenant Martle, he's just..." He trailed off, realizing explanations might not help.

Garen, seizing the opportunity, strode forward with his imposing height. "I will speak with her," he stated firmly in his Austrian accent, brushing past the other two men.

She turned around and crossed her arm over her chest. The bust bulging beneath the shirt above her arms as she looked at them from head to toe, "change of mind?" Her voice, sharp and daring.

Garen paused, midstride, his imposing 6'10" frame towering over the others as he took in the girl's defensive posture. Her crossed arms accentuated her figure, drawing his gaze momentarily before he caught himself and looked away, feeling a flush of embarrassment beneath his dark grey mask.

Sab grinned, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief.
"Aye, seems we've all had a change of heart. Can't resist your charm, can we?"
He ran a hand through his short military cut, his Scottish accent thickening slightly.

Simon remained silent, his black mask hiding any reaction, but his body language subtly shifted to a more attentive stance. His light brown eyes, visible through the mask's eyeholes, focused intently on lady's masked face, as if trying to decipher her expression behind it.

"I apologize to you both, you have rejected me, I'm not going back to those people who throw me away without giving me a try." She decline, tempting to leave.

Garen's piercing blue eyes widened slightly behind his mask, a flicker of concern crossing his face. He took a hesitant step forward, his massive frame seeming to shrink as he struggled with his social anxiety.

"Nein, wait," he said, his Austrian accent thick with emotion. "We... I did not reject you. It was a misunderstanding." He glanced at the others, silently urging them to back him up.

Sab's confident demeanor faltered, guilt evident in his expression. "Aye, lass. We didn't mean to make you feel unwanted. That's the last thing any of us want."

Simon remained silent for a moment, his masked face unreadable. Finally, he spoke, his voice gruff but with a hint of regret. "My words were... poorly chosen. It wasn't a rejection."

"“Hmmm… What’s your plan to change my mind?” she said, observing their reaction with a casual demeanor.

Garen's tall frame seemed to shrink further as he wrestled with his social anxiety, but his desire to make amends overrode his discomfort. He took a deep breath, his voice low and determined. "I will... train with you. Show you Austrian CQB techniques. If you wish."

"Nice offer but, I'm afraid I don't need that. Thanks." She said still unaffected by their presence.

Sab's eyes lit up, a boyish grin spreading across his face. "Aye, and I'll teach you some old Scottish tricks. Maybe over a drink later?" He winked playfully, his charm on full display.

Simon, still stoic behind his mask, uncrossed his arms. "I'll give you a proper assessment. No bullshit this time. Show you how to improve... if you're up for it."

A light grins spread across her lips followed by a teasing chuckled, "You guys... seriously?" She was stunned upon their serious offer, "uhh...okay you don't need to do that. I'm just teasing you of course I'm not basically angry." She finally admits,

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