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Blade's movements are precise and cautious. Her body was swift but with certain control as she readied herself to analyze the darker areas of the surroundings. Her alertness was sharpened by experience. Hidden dangers might still be lurking in the shadows so she needed every second to stay alert, as the weight of their recent findings.

The night air was cool, the tension of the event was still thick in the air. Her every motion was deliberate as her senses were keen. Waiting to pick up any movement, any hint of danger hiding in the shadows. Even with the wind whispering through the trees. The eerie silence that enveloped the place can't be ignored.

Blade knew she wouldn't let them down; her team was depending on her to make sure they got ahead safely.

Blades fierce eyes narrowed. A figure from the shadows slowly approaching as their voice and lively laughters breaking the silence.

"Careful, we have guests," Blade informed calmly as she eyed the men approaching the base. "I'll try to lure them so you'll get more time to leave." She said. Her tone plaine but there's a hint of her focus.

After saying that, Blade sneaked out of her hiding spot as she sighted several men in casual uniform heading their way. Sand color shirt and tactical pants.

Blade blended onto the shadows. Her sharp, primal-like eyes seem glowing from the darkness; ready to pounce on her prey.

She sneaked towards the closed window. The tinted glass makes it easy for her to observe the approaching men. Oblivious about the event happening inside the base as they were chatting casually at each other. Blade didn't notice how her fluid movements. Her unusual instinct sharpness leading her every move swift and stealthy. Silent and flexible as a cat.

If these men were one of them, they will surely be here to guard the entrance. Not just having these casual talks...

She wasn't really sure if these men were one of those traitors. She can't just take them down, but she can't also risk her team's safety.

Thorn between what to do, Blade couldn't decide. She can't let these men suspicious about their infiltration. She needs to take them down naturally.

After pondering further, a sudden instinct kicks in. Blades eyes narrowed as she eyed the men dangerously.

Few moments had passed, Blade was pulling the men out of the building entrance, unconscious. She leaned them on the secluded walls and whispered something in their ears.

Blades tone is irresistibly gentle. Her soothing and hypnotizing voice were like melodious music. Lulled the men's subconscious in her manipulating command. Her words may sound ordinary but for those who heard it, their thoughts were under her control. Her words will engrave on their mind as part of their memory.

Those words she told to the unconscious men made her three companions'eyes almost pop out of its sockets.

A chuckle escaped on Sab's lips as they exchange meaningful glances. Her words send shivers down their spines as if a thousand of spiders crawling on his skin. Simon took a silent gulp as Garen was still in daze.

'This girl is getting even more terrifying.' in Sab's thought. He can't be on the receiving ends against her. 'I don't want to end up like those assholes acting like a dog when they open their eyes.'

Blade was oblivious of her actions, but her instinct tells her to do so. She hardened her index and middle finger and ring finger.

She then struck Ren 17 of the men. It is located on the midline of the chest, at the level of the fourth rib.
[ This info was just based on what I have searched on google according to Chinese acupoints. Kindly correct me if my terminologies are wrong. Thank you ❤️]

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