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Inside the room filled with computers lined up back to back, one of them hummed to life; Simon inserted the flash drive that Blade entrusted him. Sab, Garen and Blade gathered around him. Their faces illuminated by the glow of the screens, ready to uncover the secrets that had cost Blade's brother his life.

"I'm hoping all my efforts won't be in vain..." Blade muttered breaking the silence. Her gaze locked on the screen trying to follow every movement on the screen.

Sab, noticing Blade's discomfort, placed a reassuring hand on her tensed shoulder, his voice filled with conviction. "Your efforts won't be in vain, lass. We're in this together now."

Garen stood guard by the door, his imposing figure a silent sentinel. "We will see this through, ja? For your brother, and for justice."

"This might take a while. The encryption is topnotch." Simon's fingers flew over the keyboard as he began to decrypt the files on the flash drive.

The room fell into a tense silence, broken only by the soft clacking of keys and the hum of computers. As the team waited for the files to decrypt, the weight of their mission hung heavily in the air, each member acutely aware of the potential dangers and revelations that lay ahead.

Blade's palms were sweating beneath her gloves, her heart racing as her entire body tensed with anticipation. The familiar weight of her weapons was both a comfort and a reminder of the danger ahead. She inhaled deeply, trying to steady her nerves, but the adrenaline coursing through her veins made it difficult to focus.

The tension in the room grew palpable as Simon worked on decrypting the files. Sab noticed Blade's nervousness and moved closer, his voice low and reassuring.

"Easy there, lass. We're almost there. Whatever's on that drive, we'll face it together."

Garen shifted slightly, his blue eyes scanning Blade with concern. "Perhaps you should sit, ja? This waiting... it is not easy."

Simon's masked face remained focused on the screen, but his voice carried a hint of encouragement. "Almost through. Your brother's work was thorough. He knew what he was doing."

As the decryption neared completion, the tension in the room became palpable. The soft hum of the computer contrasted with the heavy silence that enveloped the team. Anticipation and apprehension mingled in the air, each member bracing themselves for the truths that would soon be laid bare, uncertain if they were prepared for what those revelations might bring.

"N-no I'll wait. I wanna know..."!she said. Her eyes gleam with hard determination

Simon nodded silently, his masked face tilted towards Blade in acknowledgment of her unwavering determination. The quiet tension between them was heavy, yet respectful. The sharp beep from the computer suddenly cut through the room's silence, signaling the completion of the decryption process.

"We're in," Simon announced, his voice laced with a mix of relief and anticipation.

Sab leaned forward, his intense blue eyes narrowing as they quickly scanned the screen. "Alright," he murmured, "let's see what we're dealing with."

Garen's broad frame moved closer, his presence a silent support for Blade.

The room fell into a hushed silence as the team began to sift through the decrypted files, each new piece of information potentially bringing them closer to the truth behind Blade's brother's death and its connection to recent events.

Their expression stiffened. Upon seeing the files in her brother's flashdrive, she almost fainted as her head buzz in tension. Sab, Simon and Garen's jaw clenched together with their palms in a tight fist. Their face purple with anger.

"What the fuck is this?" Sab cursed. His lips pressed thin together as he tries to collect himself from the raging anger that instantly surged to his chest.

"It seems your brother has discovered this footage. Look at the angle of the camera. Its not prepared." Simon, his jaw clenching as he speaks. His anger betrayed his stoic expression.

Sab quickly grabbed Blade's arm to steady her, his voice filled with concern. "Easy there, lass. Take a deep breath."

Garen's shadows loomed protectively over Blade, his blue eyes scanning the screen. "This information... it is more than we expected, ja?"

The room shifted dramatically, the earlier tension giving way to a mix of shock and urgency. As Blade struggled to process what she was seeing, her teammates exchanged worried glances, realizing that the situation might be even more complex and dangerous than they had initially thought.

"Hide and seek..." Blade muttered. The two words shown in the footage, her voice barely a whisper as the unsettling realization dawned on her.

The video seemed to have been captured in a dense forests. How it fell into her brother's hand is unknown. As the footage played, her heart clenched at the sounds-the cries of people, the terrified screams, and the savage roars of a wild animals in pursuit. The chaotic rush of footsteps echoed through the speakers, sending a chill down her spine.

The second video began. It revealed a secluded office, dimly lit, with eight men in business suits. They sat in eerie silence, their cold gazes fixed on multiple monitors displaying the horrifying events unfolding in the secluded forest. The men watched with detached interest, as if it were nothing more than an entertainment show. Blade's stomach twisted in revulsion.

"What is this...?" she whispered, her hands trembling as the weight of the discovery pressed down on her.

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