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Blade's eyes hardened with renewed determination. She retrieved her brother's notebook and began meticulously planning her next move. The upcoming mission to the site of her brother's death was crucial. It could provide the answers she desperately sought.

As she worked, her gaze occasionally drifted to the box of pastries on her desk. Simon's unexpected gesture had added a new layer of complexity to her already intricate plans. She couldn't afford to let her guard down or be swayed by acts of kindness, no matter how genuine they might seem.

"I'm close, brother," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I won't let anything or anyone stand in the way of uncovering the truth."

With a mixture of anticipation and trepidation, Blade continued to prepare for the mission that could change everything. The cheerful mask she wore for her teammates felt heavier than ever, but she was determined to see her quest through to the end, no matter the cost.

Her brother, Ivan Grey was once a military Sergeant, seven years ago, her parents told her about her brother's mysterious death. And told about the discoveries that her brother was hiding.

It was that she fell into comma for years that she couldn't remember anything. She only met her brother upon their stories and she felt sympathetic to her brother, hating and grieving for it's sudden departure for living.

The next day before dawn, Blade went out for a morning warm-up, she took several laps around the training ground and exercised in the training room.

There are several people in the training room who are minding their own business as she does so. Loud thuds resounding in the spacious training room.  Pouring all her distress, anger and determination towards the punching bag. Garen, Simon and Sab exchange meaningful glances.

Her blows were fatal.

Blade unleashed her fury on the punching bag, her intense focus caught the attention of others in the training room. Sab, who had been lifting weights nearby, paused his routine to watch her with a mix of admiration and concern.

"Quite the workout there, lass," he commented, his Scottish brogue carrying over the rhythmic thuds of her punches. "Reminds me of how Lieutenant Martle trains when he's got something on his mind."

Garen, who had been quietly stretching in the corner, turned his imposing frame towards Blade. "Ja, very... intense," he added, his blue eyes studying her form with curiosity.

Simon himself entered the training room at that moment, his masked face tilting slightly as he observed Blade's fierce assault on the punching bag. The atmosphere in the room shifted, charged with unspoken questions and growing intrigue about the woman behind the blade mask.

Upon hearing their comments, she finished her last air of punches and kicks, she wore her cheerful facade and faced the two with her enthusiastic smile.

"Really?" Her brows raised with a hint of amusement, "I guess...I got engrossed with the workout," she added. Chuckling, wearing her sweet smile as she faced them.

Garen nodded solemnly, a hint of respect in his usually stern expression. "Ja, your technique is... impressive. Perhaps we could spar sometime?"

Sab grinned, his blue eyes twinkling with a mix of admiration and curiosity. "Engrossed is putting it mildly, lass. You were giving that bag a proper thrashing."

She laughs, chuckling at Sab's comment.

Simon remained silent, his masked face unreadable, but his body language suggested he was keenly observing Blade's every move and reaction.

Picking up her bottled water. Blade slides her mask up to her lips and chugging it down to the half. "Oh no! I can't spar with you. I don't wanna end up crying and humiliated..."

Sab let out a hearty laugh, his Scottish brogue warm with amusement. "Ah, don't sell yourself short, lass. I reckon you'd give any of us a run for our money."

Garen's imposing figure seemed to soften slightly, a rare smile visible beneath his sniper hood. "Perhaps... we could start with something simple. No need for humiliating."

Simon tilted his head, his eyes above the dark mask fixed on Blade. "Holding back won't do you any favors in the field," he said gruffly, but there was a hint of challenge in his voice.

The room shifted, filled with a mixture of friendly encouragement and subtle probing. The men's curiosity about Blade's true capabilities was evident, as was their growing desire to include her more fully in their team dynamic.

"Oh no I'm not holding back., I'm telling the truth based on my observations. I'm not even half on par with you guys..."

Garen's imposing figure shifted, his blue eyes studying Blade intently. "Perhaps... you underestimate yourself. Or..." he paused, his Austrian accent thickening slightly, "you have reasons to appear less skilled?"

Simon remained motionless, but there was a subtle tension in his posture. "Everyone has their secrets," he said gruffly, his masked gaze fixed on Blade. "But on a team, those secrets can get people killed."

Sab's eyebrows raised in surprise, his usual jovial expression turning thoughtful. "Now, I find that hard to believe, lass. Those moves we saw weren't amateur hour."

The air grew heavy with unspoken questions and rising suspicion. The men's earlier camaraderie was now tinged with a sense of wariness, as they began to wonder about the true extent of Blade's abilities and her reasons for downplaying them.

Her cheeks flushed a bright pink as she offered a shy smile, grateful that her dark mask concealed it. "You’re really laying it on thick," she muttered, trying to downplay the compliments.

"I know my limits, guys. I’m still learning. No need to flatter me." She paused, a little embarrassed, her voice softening. "But I do appreciate you... as, well, friends. You know that, right?"

Garen nodded, his imposing figure relaxing slightly. "Ja, friends... It is good to have them here," he said, his accent thick with sincerity.

Simon remained still for a moment, then gave a slight nod. "Right. Friends," he growled, but there was an undercurrent of something unreadable in his gruff voice.

Sab's expression softened, a mix of affection and lingering curiosity in his blue eyes. "Aye, lass. We're just looking out for you. Friends do that, you know."

The air between them eased somewhat, but an undercurrent of tension remained. The men exchanged glances, silently communicating their shared sense that there was more to Blade than met the eye. They seemed torn between accepting her words at face value and trusting their instincts that suggested otherwise.

Blade handed out the water bottles, the men accepted them with a mix of gratitude and lingering curiosity.

Sab took a long drink, his eyes never leaving Blade's face. "Thanks, lass. That's a mighty kind of you."

Garen nodded appreciatively, his large hands dwarfing the water bottle. "Danke. Your thoughtfulness is... refreshing."

Simon hesitated for a moment before accepting the bottle. "Cheers," he muttered, his masked gaze still fixed on Blade.

The men remained charged with unspoken questions and a growing sense of intrigue about their new teammate. As they hydrated, the men seemed to be silently debating how to proceed, their earlier suspicions temporarily overshadowed by Blade's disarming gesture of friendship.

"I'll get going guys see yah around." She gave them another enthusiastic smile before picking up her bag and leaving the training room. The moment she turned her back to them, her gentle facade instantly changed into her real expression of sharp and dangerous demeanor that no one could see behind her dark mask.

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