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Her gaze swept unnoticeably sharp at Simon who seemed to be observing her the whole time, but changed into a more enthusiastic and cheerful personality.

Simon's posture stiffened almost imperceptibly, his keen instincts catching Blade's swift, sharp glance. Behind his dark mask, his eyes narrowed slightly, intrigued by this momentary glimpse beneath her cheerful exterior.

"Combat, life... it's all about balance, isn't it?" Blade replied, her tone light but carrying a hint of depth. "You've got to know when to strike and when to sweeten the deal."

Sab grinned, reaching for a piece of caramel apple cheesecake. "Well said, lass. Now, let's see if these cakes live up to the hype, shall we?"

Garen nodded in agreement, his large hands carefully selecting a slice of chocolate mousse cake. "Ja, let us... indulge," he said, a hint of eagerness breaking through his usually stoic demeanor.

As they began to sample the array of desserts, the atmosphere remained charged with a mix of growing camaraderie and underlying curiosity about the woman behind the blade mask.

Blade tenderly served them small slices of cake, placing them on their plates or feeding them directly. Her smiles and laughter seemed natural, as she expertly maintained her cheerful exterior.

The atmosphere at the table shifted palpably as Blade began serving the cake samples. Sab's eyes widened in surprise and delight as she offered to feed him directly. He leaned forward, accepting the bite with a playful wink. "Mmm, delicious. Your service is topnotch, lass," he quipped, his Scottish accent thickening slightly.

Garen's imposing frame seemed to soften as Blade approached him with a piece of cake. He hesitated for a moment, his social anxiety briefly visible, before allowing her to feed him. "Danke," he murmured, a faint blush creeping up his neck.

Simon remained still as Blade neared him with a cake sample. His masked face gave nothing away, but there was a noticeable tension in his posture. After a moment's hesitation, he tilted his mask slightly, revealing just enough of his mouth to accept the offered bite. His eyes, visible over the masks obscuring half of his face, never left Blade's face with a hint of deep curiosity and observation.

The contrasts in Blade's behavior, her sharp glance earlier, now coupled with this playful, almost flirtatious serving didn't go unnoticed by the men. Their reactions were a mix of enjoyment and heightened curiosity about the enigmatic woman behind the blade printed mask.

She flashed them her sweetest smile, playfully urging them to feed her some of the cakes until they had finished every last bite, making for a more delightful and enjoyable experience. She swiftly retrieved her card and handed it to the waitress, along with a generous tip for her assistance. "Let’s come back here sometime when we’re free, okay?" she said.

Sab's face lit up with a broad grin, his blue eyes twinkling. "Aye, that's a promise I'm more than happy to keep. This was a treat in more ways than one," he said, his Scottish brogue warm with appreciation.

Garen nodded solemnly, though there was a softness in his usually stern expression. "Ja, it was... very enjoyable. I would like to return," he agreed, his Austrian accent thick with sincerity.

Simon, remained silent for a moment, his masked face unreadable. Then, with a slight tilt of his head, he spoke gruffly, "Could be persuaded to make it a regular thing."

As they stood to leave, the three men exchanged glances, their body language reflecting a mix of satisfaction and curiosity. The unexpected outing had clearly made an impression on them, and the possibility of future encounters with Blade seemed to linger in the air, brimming with potential.

They came back to the base, blade bid them goodbye and return to her quarters. Closing the door securely, she slowly fell on her knees as her tears stream down her cheeks uncontrollably. This is the place where her brother died.

The same place that almost took his years and had even had a chance to see his family. And when he came back, he was already gone.

"Blade ... brother..." Her sobs lingers in silence. Her heart aching with longing for her best brother. "I'll make sure they will pay... I'll kill those who have pushed you into the pit of death!... " Her screams echoes in her mind.

As Blade's sobs echoed silently in her quarters, a gentle knock sounded at her door. Simon's gruff voice came through, tinged with an unusual hint of concern.

"Blade? You alright in there?"

Sab's voice joined in, his Scottish accent warm with worry. "Aye, we heard... something. Just wanted to check on ya, lass."

Garen's deep, accented tones added to the chorus. "If you need anything... we are here."

The three men stood outside, exchanging uncertain glances, their earlier cheerfulness replaced by genuine concern for their new companion.

Blade gulped her sobs and answered casually without hinting any sign of her grieving, "I'm...fine..."

The silence that followed Blade's response was heavy with tension. The three men outside exchanged worried glances, their instincts telling them something was amiss.

Simon, his voice low and gruff, spoke first. "Right. We'll leave you be then." There was a pause before he added, almost reluctantly, "If you need anything..."

Sab chimed in, his Scottish brogue gentle. "Aye, we're here if you change your mind, lass. No pressure."

Garen's deep voice rumbled softly. "Ja, we understand... privacy. But remember, you are not alone here."

Their footsteps retreated slowly, echoing in the hallway. However, there was a sense that they hadn't gone far, their concern for their new companion evident in their lingering presence nearby.

She quickly made her way to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and let the sound of the running water echo, ensuring they could hear it.

As the faint sound of running water filled the air, the men outside Blade's quarters exchanged knowing looks. They recognized the tactic a common way to mask other sounds or create an illusion of normalcy.

Simon's posture stiffened, his instincts on high alert. He moved closer to the door, his voice barely above a whisper. "Something's not right."

Sab nodded, his usual cheerful demeanor replaced by a serious expression. "Aye, I feel it too. But we can't just barge in..."

Garen on the other hand, his imposing figure tense with concern, suggested quietly, "Perhaps... we should stay nearby. In case she needs us."

CUS 9; Cinco Encounter Where stories live. Discover now