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Life can be really complicated at times.Do not let that stop you from being yourself.Yes,I know it sounds a lot easier said than done but you can have people with you.Holding your hands in your happy and darkest times.I am asking you to find people or someone, your special someone who will be with you through this difficult thing called life.Cherish them.Everything about them, their laugh ,their smile ,their annoying mood swings ,whatever the case may be for your special person ,no matter how hard things get never leave them and yourself behind .We all have a different idea of love.What it means to us, all the crazy things we do for it.I am here to tell you that you are NOT crazy, not one bit.You are a beautiful, living human being.Here is what my idea of love is. Love is patient and slow to anger.It's careful and gentle .It's attentive and a breathe of fresh air when I need it most to live.Love has no colour whatsoever.Love focuses on what's important ,it has no room for discrimination.Regardless of gender love stands stronger.My protection from anxiety, keeping me warm when I'm shivering .Love mentions your past mistakes for what? For a lesson to heal the heart ,to know how to treat your other half better in the present and in the future .It treats me like the baby it carries in it's stomach.Love is more like a caring mother.It doesn't force me to feel when I'm not ready .It waits for me to take it in.It helps me breathe in and out.It's existence makes me wonder what asthma is.Most of the time love is always there for me.When love is not there I feel like I'm invisible.Without it I'm truly nothing.I don't need these pills because love is my antidepressant.My head is swallowed away by loves pillow.It feels far from a dying feeling.I feel settled when I sit on the soft mattress of love.It's the full package.Now my body is held upright like a headboard.I'm strong enough to take the adult shaking .Although love can be gentle it can be tough too.Only when it needs to. It's important to have it that way at times.Nothing else compares to love.With love l can face anything.I can face the war of the world.I can even put it on my skin like makeup.Once it's deep down l feel calm.Sinking into my smooth melanin, oh how love takes good care of me .From the rising sun till dawn comes down.Forever,love sticks around.

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