Chapter 7 - Mesia.

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KAB - This is Mesia Club

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KAB - This is Mesia Club.The best night club in  Zivion.This is the place everyone hangs out.There is room for everyone.If you are an extrovert there is a special section for you,if you are an introvert we have a space for you too.If you got a lot money you will enjoy the VIP section upstairs.
Bridget - Can I have a UV blue vodka please?
Tinashe-Yeah sure coming right up.
Bridget - Thank you.
Tinashe - No problem.Sorry for being invasive but what is a beautiful woman like you do doing in Mesia alone?
Bridget - I just broke up with my stupid ex Ryan.Yeah he is a piece of shit to say the least.
Tinashe - Since it's not too busy tonight I'm all ears.
Bridget - You really want to hear the full story don't you?
Tinashe - Aha .
Bridget - Okay so basically me and Ryan had been in a serious relationship for 4 years.Things were good.He wasn't really the perfect guy I mean noone is but I was happy with him.We were happy.He used to take me on dates all the time,buy me flowers and take me on vacation to Morocco,Mexico,Dubai.That is one of the things I liked about him.He was so present with me.He cared for me and payed attention to my worries,my hopes,dreams all of it.Then suddenly out of the blue he just cheated.Just like that,4 good years down the drain.There I was thinking I found the love of my life.Till this day I'm still trying to wrap my mind around it.
Tinashe - That is so sad I'm sorry you had to go through that.
Bridget - No it's okay honey.Men are weird.They will say one thing and do the other.It's not all men who are like this but I would say about 85% are like that.Men will lie to you in the face and get confused why you get upset with them.They be like "why are you so mad?"Like hello! Have you forgotten that I caught you red handed in my house,in my bed with that bitch Rosalia.
Tinashe - Rosalia?
Bridget - Rosalia who,what's her last name?
Bridget - Rosalia Endiergo.Why?
Tinashe - What on earth ! That's my ex girlfriend.
Bridget - Word!
Tinashe - Word.
Bridget - What a small world.
Tinashe - Crazy right? What are the odds that we met tonight.Something in my heart was telling me to talk to you.Rosalia was a crazy girl.I had never had a girlfriend like that in my life.It was weird it's like she had like 2 sides to her.A kind,gentle side and a loud,explode any moment side.I wasn't happy in our relationship.I felt like I was constantly walking on eggshells.I couldn't be myself around her.
Bridget - I'm really sorry to hear about your experience with her.What's your name by the way?
Tinashe - Tinashe but people call me Nashe for short.
Bridget - Nice to meet you Nashe.We should exchange numbers if you don't mind?
Tinashe - Of course,there you go.
KAB - Keyboard makes a clicking sound.
Bridget - You can save mine as Bee for short.Spelling is the same as a flying bee.
Tinashe - That's alright Bee,thank you.There comes a customer.
Bridget - You are welcome.
KAB - Foot steps sound.
Tirone - Hi can I have the normal one please?
Tinashe - Jack Daniels?
Tirone - Yes please.
Tinashe - Okay.
Bridget - God damn! Are you trying to eat me or something?There is food here you know? Or go Lowerndale they close late.
Tirone - I'm so sorry I couldn't stop admiring your beauty.
Bridget - Oh okay ,thanks.
Tirone - That's it? Just thanks?
Bridget - What else do you want me to do? Give you a kiss?
Tirone- No but I would love to dance with you after I finish my drink.
Bridget - You want to dance with a random woman you have never met before?
KAB - Tirone sips drink.
Tirone - Exactly.
Bright - Okay.
KAB - 5 minutes later.
Bridget - Oh I see you got some good moves .
Tirone - I'm a bit disappointed that you say that because I thought I was a pro.
Bridget - You are a pro and very respectful.So far I haven't felt your hands on my ass.
Tirone - Well now that you have mentioned it I might just.
Bridget - Oh no no no sir ,you have to earn that.
Tirone - Oh okay,what can I do?
Bridget - A kiss on the cheek first to prove your loyalty.
KAB - Tirone kisses Bridget on the cheek.
Bridget - Now you can.
Tirone- Are you sure? I don't want to be accused of harassing anyone.
Bridget- You have my permission so go ahead.What even is your name?
Tirone - Tirone.
Tirone - And you?
Bridget- Bridget.
Tirone - Oh cool, we should call ourselves BT then.
Bridget - Like Bluetooth?
Tirone - Yes,because we have a good connection going on here.
Bridget - Haha very funny.I see what you did there.
KAB - "Dance For You" by Antonette Chemhuru starts playing in the background .
Tirone - Why are you at Mesia tonight anyway?
Bridget - I'm a hopeless romantic looking for some real love.
Tirone- Oh I see,I'm not really looking for anything too serious.Actually I am but I'm going with the flow like whatever happens happens.What I mean is I don't have any expectations for people anymore.I'm tired of getting attached to people mainly women and then get played in the end.
Bridget - I didn't realise men can get played too.I'm joking.
Tirone - It's okay.I have a feeling we might have been close in our past lives,if you believe in that kind of thing.
Bridget - I do yeah.I like horoscopes too,anything of that nature.I'm an Aries.
Tirone - Hmmm I see.I'm a Taurus. You are not a typical Zivion woman.
Bridget - What does that mean?
Tirone - Majority of woman in Zivion tend to do the same thing,some of them even look the same and it's just a mindset and personality thing.It's refreshing to meet someone who is a bit different.
Bridget - Now you got me blushing.
Tirone - That's a good thing,anyway I feel like the music is not too great today.Do you want to go there? I have something to show you.
Bridget - Okay.
Tirone - Look.
Bridget - Why the heck do you have that on you and how did you manage to sneak it in?The security here is tight.They be searching you and everything.
Tirone - I have my genius ways.
Bridget - If someone sees you with this you will be in big trouble.I don't want to be part of it.I don't want to go to prison.
Tirone - Can you calm down you won't go to prison.All we have to do is be very careful and not get caught.The rule is take it and don't get caught.
Bridget - Whoever came up with that rule clearly doesn't know what they're talking about.There is CCTV everywhere in here.This is not a good idea.
Tirone - Yeah but this little spot doesn't have a camera view.
Bridget - Oh my God you are right.How do you come up with all this?
Tirone - Like I said I have my genius ways.l come here all the time so l know all the blind spots.Try it with me.
KAB - Bridget takes what appears to be white powder and sniffs it in her nose.Tirone does the same.
Tirone - I can finally feel the music now.
Bridget  - Woah this is weird I'm going to fall over.
Tirone - No you won't ,just dance.
Bridget - I should dance and feel the music?
Tirone - Yes.
Bridget - I need to pee so bad.That vodka from earlier is getting to me.
Tirone - Me too.Lets go.
Bridget - Did we just both walk into the men's toilet?
Tirone- Yeah.
KAB - Tirone and Bridget get to their adult business and they both leave the men's bathroom after 30 minutes.
Bridget - Did we just do what I think we did.
Tirone - I was about to ask the same question.I am so sorry that was so irresponsible of me and I will never do it again. I mean I just met you .That was very wrong of me.
Bridget - I don't understand what you are apologising for exactly because last time I checked it was all consensual.
Tirone - So you are not mad at me?
Bridget - Of course not,matter of fact that was actually fun for me.I haven't been that happy in a while.
Tirone - I'm glad I put a smile on your face.
KAB - 1.25am .
Tirone - Damn look at how time flies.
Bridget - I know right it's crazy.How long did we go for?
Tirone - It must have been a solid 30 minutes.
Bridget- Oh okay.Not bad.
Tirone - Now here is what I'm going to do.Book you a cab and get you home safely.
Bridget- Thanks Tirone I  appreciate it.It's very few men that make sure women get home safely.
Tirone - It's no big deal honestly.How about you pop your number in my phone and text me as soon as you arrive home.
Bridget - Yeah sure I can do that.
KAB - 5 minutes later the taxi arrives and Bridget leaves.Tirone drives himself home soon after.

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