Chapter 6 - Art Gallery.

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Anitta - Hello everybody,I would like to start off by saying thank you so much for being here with me today to celebrate the lives of such selfless,powerful women

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Anitta - Hello everybody,I would like to start off by saying thank you so much for being here with me today to celebrate the lives of such selfless,powerful women.These women have paved the way for all of us.If it wasn't for their intelligence and bravery we wouldn't have the rights we have today.As much as it is very sad that we have lost them all,at least we know their deaths weren't in vain.Thank you for showing up and showing your support for Nancy Anderson,Primrose Macata,Cymone Barey, Hannah Chuma and Jennifer Malami.They may not be here with us in physical form but they will forever stay in our hearts.I hope you can all hear me wherever you are.I want to say thank you.Many years have gone by but everything you fought for is finally a reality for many women in Zivion today.You have inspired me to do better than I already am for my community.Sometimes I feel like having this Art Gallery in honour of them might not be enough.These women have put their lives on the line for all of us.I want to say thank you to Nancy Anderson for the poetry you shared with us.Till this day your wonderful words stick with us.Every bit of ink you put on the paper is still my true definition of art.Your words speak to me.I would also like to say thank you to Primose Macata ,your angelic voice still spreads joy in our community.No matter how many years go by I know it's our token of appreciation to have this Art Gallery open all year round.Thank you to Cymone Barey for opening the way for all the women in rap music today.Your hard work has led to the encouragement of all of us to keep pushing and to never give up on our dreams and to be heard especially in such a male dominated industry.Hannah Chuma thank you for your part in the healthcare industry.You showed us what true care and love for patients means and we couldn't be more thankful.Lastly, I want to thank Jennifer Malami for proving to us that as black women we can concur anything thrown at us.I'm glad to say I am a successful woman today because of you.You showed us that being an entrepreneur is not just a male industry,it's for all.All we need is the brains for it.To show my appreciation I would like to donate a sum of £5000 from Anty Chenty combined with my other businesses that will be all from me today,thank you.
KAB - Crowd claps.
Ben - Much appreciated Anitta.You pretty much summed everything up so I will go straight to the point.I will be donating £10,000 from The Last Course to support all the women who have a good eye for the future of technology,women who appreciate modern technology.Thank you.Bee,would you like to come up?
Bridget - Yeah sure thanks Ben .Hi everyone,I'm a bit nervous so please be patient with me.I don't have much or a lot to say but with the little I have I will be donating £500 to all the new moms and young mothers of Zivion as a starter package to help with getting all the basics for their baby.
Anitta - Thank you so much Bridget that's amazing.
Tirone - What are you donating tonight Kendall?
Anitta- I discussed the details with Anitta in private,she already has everything sorted.I just didn't want my donation to be known by the whole neighbourhood so l went down the anonymous route.
Tirone - Oh okay that makes sense I contributed to the baby package as Bridget likes to call it.
Kendall - Tirone that is beautiful.You really care about children.
Tirone - Thanks,ever since I became a father it's like this new love came out of me .It's a beautiful feeling.As for the baby package it's not much but that's what we could afford.
Kendall - It's not about the money Tirone.It's about your kind genuine heart.We can't compare ourselves to Anitta and Ben they are millionaires after all.
Tirone - You are right Kendall.

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