Chapter 5 - Blue Denim.

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Anitta - I don't think anyone understands how grateful I am to be part of this

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Anitta - I don't think anyone understands how grateful I am to be part of this.
Bridget - I'm glad you are happy it's for a good cause.
Kendall - To know that we are changing the world and our community makes me feel fulfilled.
Ben - Ladies you are inspirational.You work so hard and we couldn't be more thankful.
Tirone - Ben is right you are all truly amazing.
Anitta - I don't know about you guys but mental health is very important to me.I have had my fair share of depression,anxiety and eating disorders.That's not even everything.When I had Anorexia nervosa it was really difficult for me but I made a full recovery a few years later but there is always a worry at the back of my mind saying "what if I go back?"
Bridget - Thank you for sharing that Anitta.I understand it can be very difficult to cope with all of that on your own.
Ben - This might be off topic but do you all remember the first time I met you all at Lowerndale and I didn't order any food.I said I had already eaten but that wasn't true.I struggle with food too . Some days are worse than others.As much as I'm well known for The Last Course game I have some demons I deal with behind the scenes.I have had it for years now.That day I was so nervous that I couldn't bring myself to eat anything infront of anyone.
Kendall - Oh wow Ben,well done for sharing that with us.I'm really sorry that you felt like you couldn't eat with us.
Tirone - I'm so sorry Ben I always knew you had problems with food but I didn't realise you actully had a diagnosis I thought you were just a picky eater.
Ben - It's okay,thanks guys.Comimg here to help with the Blue Denim Day event is my way of coming to terms with my diagnosis.
Anitta - What about you Kendall?
Kendall - Well I have already told you everything in private babe but for the sake of everyone I will share again.I have depression and I also have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.It can be very hard for me to complete the most basics tasks on a daily.My mind keeps telling me that no matter what I do,it's just not enough.
Anitta - I can see that we are all starting to feel down but have you looked at yourselves?We look good like the double denim look is giving.
Kendall - Of course you do,you are the princess of fashion after all.
Tirone - Do you remember who came up with the double denim outfit or Blue Denim Day in the first place?
Kendall - Yes,it was Grace Chemhuru.She is the founder of BDD and she founded it in 2005 so it's been up and running for a little while.
Anitta - That's quite cool,she is really an inspirational woman for doing this for our community.It's definitely needed especially in this day in age with some parents especially from African backgrounds not really understanding mental health and just being plain ignorant.
Bridget - Girl I could write a whole book on that I'm not even exaggerating.
Kendall- Why is that?
Bridget - Well majority of African parents were simply born in a different culture to us so it's very few parents that want to change and adjust to our society now.Having mental health issues is seen as being weak and if you are man they are like "don't be acting like a woman,depression for what?"What are you depressed about?" "You have food and everything you need,you don't even pay bills".
Anitta - What does paying bills got to do with being depressed?
Ben - Exactly,it dosen't make sense when they say things like that.
Tirone - That reminded me of something.I feel like some children in African households not even African households specifically.You see that the children are showing signs of autism and ADHD in some cases and the parents will look at their child and say "oh my child is being used by my enemies to end me,oh my enemies have succeeded".Like come on.Your child being autistic or having ADHD has got nothing to do with your "enemies" or witchcraft.Autism is not a medical condition.They don't want to accept that that's just how their child is.Their brain works in a different way and they were simply born that way.It gets on my nerves because they treat their children like there is something wrong with them.
Anitta - Speaking of that,some of the parents actually have autism and ADHD themselves but they have never been diagnosed because it has never crossed their minds to get a test done.They also have a lot of trauma they haven't got help for and they act very harsh and emotionally abusive to their children.They take everything on their children as if it's their children's fault.When they report their children's bad behaviour to their friends and family they over exaggerate things and it's very sad.
Tirone - I know right.
Bridget - On the bright side though as much as it's all very traumatic for all of us,it's taught me how to not treat my children.I will do everything to protect my child.The world is already full of messed up people the last thing my child needs is to have a parent who abuses them mentally or gaslights them and making them feel like their life is not worth living.
Anitta - One of my cousins parents was so horrible to her and she told me the whole story I couldn't believe it.It was mainly her mother that mentally abused her.Before she left to live a life of her own she sent her an email.She said that was her last email more like a final word to her before she moved on with to heal.Sometimes I wonder how she's still alive and surviving.I really look up to her she is a strong woman.What she went through was tough.It's quite a long story so get comfortable.I tend to share her story with other people whenever I get a chance to spread awareness,with my cousins full permission of course.
Bridget - Before you continue,what is your cousins name?
Anitta - Her name is Antonella.
Kendall - Oh okay.
Anitta - Here is what the email said.
Anitta - Hello,so I've done a lot of thinking and reflecting over everything that has happened in the past few months as well as the 7 years I have stayed here and I understand that you are possibly hurt buy the words I used that day "l do not love you,I never will,I never did".When I said that just to be clear I 100% meant it deep down in my heart because you have deeply hurt me over the years I don't think you realise even you said that you had no idea that's what you were doing but how would you?when you honestly only care about your feelings and especially not me although you were very good at pretending you cared.

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