Chapter 8 - Riding Club.

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Ben - I feel like women complain a lot

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Ben - I feel like women complain a lot.
Tirone - What do you mean by that?
Ben - There is always something they don't like that men do.
Tirone - You mean things you do.I feel like you are trying to speak for every man but unfortunately it dosen't work like that.
Ben - I'm just speaking from my own experience here that's all.
Tirone - What happened? What made you feel that way about women?
Ben - I can't exactly pin point who has hurt me.
Tirone - Have you ever thought that maybe there is something within you that you need to work on? Maybe it's not the woman's fault?
Ben - No I don't think so.I don't think there is anything wrong with me.
Tirone - Okay,if you say so.
Ben - Let me explain myself a bit more.Black women like to say that black men do not like them.Which is not true at all.I am all for my black queens.I'm all for black love.The issue is women have this idea in their head for the type of man they want to be with.The problem is none of the qualities they want in that man are realistic.They talk about "oh my man needs to make 6 figures a year".This is coming from a woman who only makes 5 figures a year."I want a man who is only 6'5 or above".How can you want a man who makes 6 figures a year when you don't earn that yourself?It's this expectation of what a "a real man" is supposed to do.Some women miss out on a lot of good men just because they are not as tall as they want them to be.It's such an immature way of thinking.Like where are your priorities? Marriage and building a healthy family or aesthetics? The other question I have for women is what are you doing as a woman to look after yourself? What do you bring to the table? We go on date nights and you ask to split the bill or when it's time to pay you start searching through your bag for nothing because you know full well the only thing you got in there is your house keys and lipgloss.Thats if she even has a house.
Tirone - Okay I understand that but as a man aren't you the one who is supposed to protect and provide? By provide in my opinion I think men should be providing more financially than the women.Lets be honest here,men still get paid more in most cases.The fact that we are still having this conversation in this day and age is insane to me.Don't forget that women literally push a whole baby out of their body.They bring life into this world.That same baby has the potential to make the world a better place depending on their upbringing of course.Having a baby and making it out alive is a huge blessing that a lot of men take for granted.Having a loving wife who is willing to have as many children as possible for you is a huge sacrifice.It takes a toll on your body carrying a child for 9 months although not every woman is able to carry their baby for that time period either way it's no joke.Not every woman wants a man who makes a lot of money.Some woman just want real love,the money is a bonus for them.However,it has do be a reasonable amount of money because a smart woman will not go for someone who is broke.In fact especially in this day and age women are hustlers.They are very independent.Regardless of what job they do they will work very hard.They could be working in the cooperate world or they could be out in the streets selling clothes.Nothing stops women from reaching their goals.They love each other by uplifting each other up.One thing I love about women is they see their dream and they work as hard as they can to reach their goals.When there is complications in the process they don't quit easily,they push through.I personally look up to women because they are Girl Bosses working to change the world for the better each day.As men ,well some men tend to go for the easiest route when it comes to business or the quickest way to make money or make whatever they want happen.The difference with women is they are patient and they understand that good things don't become successful overnight.They understand that it takes time to become great.Another thing I love about women is they plan out everything first before they jump straight into a business idea or whatever the case may be.I hate to admit it but as men we easily get distracted by stupid things that done matter.Things that are only fun for 5 minutes.As men we also get distracted by a woman's body.You could be working on the biggest project of your life but the moment you see a lady with a nice shape and a body con dress,you would rather do that than focus on the goal of growing your company.It's truly sad.Temptation is a massive problem for everyone not just men.At the end of the day it's about thinking of what truly matters or what will benefit you in the long run.
Ben- I don't necessarily agree with everything you said but you do have a few good points there that I never really thought about before.It sounds like we also distract women from their goals too and it's like we are taking them for a ride of lying and cheating and a bunch of very unpleasant things.Maybe that's why some women like to say men are trash or all men are the same.Once a cheater always a cheater that kind of thing.However,some women can be so naive.Their gut feeling will be telling them that something is wrong or something is off but they choose to ignore all the red flags.I feel like anyone who cheats or anyone who gets cheated on is part of the riding club whether they like it or not.It's like taking yourself for a ride where you play yourself if you are not willing to accept the red flags or reality so you risk getting played by someone else at the same time.
Ben - Yeah but that's part of life.We live and we learn so noone is exactly smarter or better than the other.We all get played at some point in our lives.It's more about being cautious for next time and not allowing the same thing to happen again.It's like a horse,it's told or taught where to go and runs to the destination but once it arrives at it's destination it has to stop there and wait for the owner to do their business and then go back home together.For us we don't go back to our owner but we go back to our actions or the past and reflect on them and make better choices in the future.
Tirone - You understand it now.You have explained it very well.

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