Chapter 10 The Unexpected Truth

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The pack lands were quiet in the early morning hours, the mist still clinging to the ground as the sun began its slow rise. Ronan stood outside his house, breathing in the crisp air, his thoughts swirling with the usual balance of work and family. But today, something was different. He felt a sense of unease, a tension in the air that he couldn't quite place. It wasn't long before the source of that tension made itself known.

Kael, the Alpha, arrived at Ronan's home with a weight on his shoulders that was impossible to ignore. His usually calm and collected demeanor was fractured, lines of stress etched into his face as he approached. Ronan knew something was wrong—something more than the usual pack business.

"Kaell," Ronan greeted, concern evident in his voice. "What brings you here so early?"

Kael didn't waste any time. He needed to get it off his chest, to confide in someone he trusted before he lost his mind. "Ronan," he began, his voice low, "we need to talk. It's about your sister-in-law... Seraphine."

Ronan's brow furrowed in confusion. "Seraphine? What about her?"

Kael exhaled sharply, running a hand through his hair. He wasn't sure how to explain this. Hell, he wasn't even sure he understood it himself. "I... I saw her at the car race last night. At first, I thought it was Selene, but... when I got a closer look, I realized it was Seraphine. And... something happened, Ronan."

Ronan's expression hardened, concern turning to something more defensive. "What do you mean, something happened?"

Kael met his gaze, his own eyes filled with a mixture of confusion and frustration. "She's my mate, Ronan. Seraphine... she's my second mate."

The words hung in the air like a lead weight, and for a moment, neither man spoke. Ronan's mind raced, trying to process what Kael had just said. Seraphine? His mate? How was that even possible?

"What?" Ronan finally managed, his voice sharp with disbelief. "That doesn't make any sense. You already have a mate. You've got a family. How could Seraphine be your mate too?"

Kael shook his head, his frustration bubbling to the surface. "I don't know, Ronan. I don't understand it either. But when I saw her... the bond, it was there. Just like it was with my first mate. It hit me like a punch to the gut. And now I don't know what to do."

Ronan stared at him, still trying to wrap his mind around the situation. This wasn't just some small problem. This was a disaster waiting to happen. Seraphine had always kept her distance from the pack life, and she had no interest in being tied to anyone, let alone an Alpha with a family. And Kael... Kael was already mated, with children. The situation was impossible.

"What are you going to do?" Ronan asked, trying to stay calm despite the whirlwind of emotions surging inside him.

Kaell's jaw tightened. "At first, I thought... maybe I could reject her. If I see her face-to-face, maybe I could do it. But before I do that, I need to understand how this is even possible. Why would the bond form with her? Why would fate tie me to a second mate when I already have everything I need?"

Ronan nodded slowly, understanding the weight of the decision Kael was facing. "The only chance you'll get to see her up close again is at the party," Ronan said. "Selene invited her to our daughter's birthday party in a few days. Seraphine will be there."

Kael's expression darkened slightly at the thought. He wasn't looking forward to confronting Seraphine, but he knew it had to be done. He couldn't let this bond hang over him, unresolved. But as much as he told himself that rejecting her was the right thing to do, a part of him—a primal, possessive part—rebelled against the idea. The thought of letting Seraphine go, of seeing her with someone else, twisted something deep inside him. She was his mate, and the wolf inside him refused to let that go so easily.

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