You quirk an eyebrow in amusement as you make your way into the backyard and see your girlfriend of three years crouched between two trees. There was a brown Amazon box next to her, and she appeared to be currently in the midst of ripping it open.
She was wearing nothing more than a pair of shorts and a sports bra, blonde hair tied up into a high ponytail. Tanned, tattooed limbs all but glow in the sun, and you do everything possible to stop yourself from drooling.
"Ale? What are you doing?"
At the sound of your voice, she turns, brown eyes lighting up as she gestures you over. You laugh softly as you comply, blades of grass tickling your bare feet. Once you get close enough, she reaches out for one of your hands and tugs you towards her lap.
"Amor, sit." She instructs as she falls to her knees, and never one to tell her no, you allow her to manoeuvre you onto her bare thighs, a toned arm settling around your waist as her large hand comes to rest on your stomach.
"What is that?" You point to the box as you rest your hand atop of her own, fingers fiddling aimlessly with her watch.
Alexia smiles, reaching for the box and tugging it over. "Open it, bebé. It is for us."
Curiosity peeking, you remove your hand from her own and all but rip open the box. Inside was something you didn't quite recognise, prompting Alexia to smile fondly at you as she pulls it out and sets it onto your lap.
"A hammock." You murmur, now understanding why she'd been crouched weirdly between two trees.
"Sí. Hamaca. For us, yes?" Alexia wraps her other arm around you too, hands clasped together on your stomach.
"Mmm, sí," you nod with a smile as you lean your head back against her shoulder and and press your lips against her jawline in a soft kiss. "It's perfect ale. Do you need help putting it up?"
Alexia looks a little gobsmacked at your audacity to even ask that, and without her having to say a word, you nod your head and press another kiss to her jaw before going to stand up. Alexia's hands linger on your hips as you make it upright, prompting you to turn in place so you were facing her and cupping her cheeks in your hands.
She looks a little worried that you might be mad at her for the not so subtle rejection, but you were quick to reassure her that everything was fine by pressing your lips against her own. The blonde reciprocates tenderly, lips soft and hands steady against your hips.
"I'll go make us a drink." You reluctantly pull away, thumbs trailing over the soft skin of her face.
"A drink. Sí, vale. You come back, yes?"
"Yes, ale. I'll be back." With one last kiss, you make your way back into the house and get to work on making drinks. As you stand in front of the refrigerator and contemplate your choices, your eyes absentmindedly drift over to the window where you could easily see your girlfriends every move.
She was standing now, the hammock instructions held firmly in her grasp. Due to the fact she wasn't too far away, you could see her every facial expression. Her eyebrows were furrowed in what you could only guess was confusion as she reads, and it takes no more than a second for her to roll her eyes and toss the instructions over her shoulder before grabbing the hammock and beginning to tie it to one of the trees.
Alexia seems to manage this pretty easily, and you somewhat distractedly pour two glasses of cold juice as you watch her do the same with the other. You make it to the threshold of the back door, a glass in each hand, just in time to see her drop onto the hammock with a smirk on her face. Said smirk fades then the hammock collapses under the weight of her, landing on her ass with a disgruntled shout.
You couldn't help but snort as you stifle your laugh with the side of your wrist , Alexia's eyes ripping away from the hammock to you in just seconds. She rises gracefully to her feet -maybe a little too gracefully for someone who landed on her ass not even two second ago- and makes her way over to you with a small pout.
You set down the glasses and wrap your arms around her bare waist, hands settling just above her rear end. Her taller frame all but slumps against you, and you're forced to widen your stance just slightly so you didn't fall down and take her with you.
"Amor," she complains, and you smile fondly as she buries her face into your neck.
"Poor baby. Did the big bad hammock attack you?" You playfully tease, and you feel her huff against your neck. Whether that be in amusement or dismay, you didn't know.
"Sí." She murmurs as she pulls away, her lips slipping into a soft pout she so rarely lets you to see. At the sight of it, you rise up on your toes to place your lips against her chin.
"I'll help, baby. Grab the instructions."
No more than half an hour later, you both find yourselves swaying gently back and forth in the now safely installed hammock. Alexia was at the bottom, your smaller frame nestled contented on top of her.
You find yourself humming quietly as you absentmindedly trail the tip of your finger over the tattoo on her arm. The breeze was cool now, a nice compromise against the once sweltering heat.
Alexia's arms tighten around your waist, prompting you to look up at her with your chin resting against her sternum. She looked all the more beautiful up close, and you couldn't help but softly graze the backs of your fingers against the warm skin of her cheek.
"Amor, stop." She murmurs bashfully, and you hum quietly as you comply, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her nose.
"I adore you, ale." You murmur as you pull away, and Alexia's eyes take on a sudden shine as she grabs you by the underarms and tugs you up her boys so your face was nestled against her neck. Her hands slip beneath your shirt, squeezing softly,
"Te amo."

Woso imagines
FanfictionWoso imagines!! Leah Williamson Alessia Russo Alexia Putellas Mapi Leon Ingrid Engen Katie McCabe