Alexia < memory loss

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While biking with Alexia was always a blast, you had an extra plan for this sunny afternoon. You'd decided that today was the perfect day for a little prank — nothing too mean, just something to mess with her. You grinned to yourself as you watched her up ahead, pedaling easily and glancing back to make sure you were keeping up. You pedaled harder to catch up, laughing to yourself at what was about to go down.

Suddenly, you pretended to lose control and threw yourself to the ground with an exaggerated groan.

"Ahhh!" you cried dramatically, flopping onto the grass by the side of the trail. Alexia, as you expected, immediately stopped her bike, worry flashing across her face.

"Mi amor!" she called, practically jumping off her bike and sprinting over to you. She knelt by your side, her hands gentle as she brushed the hair from your face. "Are you okay? Did you... hurt? Show me!"

You blinked a few times, looking up at her with a dazed expression. "Um... sorry, who are you?" You made sure to sound confused, biting back a laugh at her shocked expression.

Her eyes widened in panic. "Que?" She put a hand on your shoulder, her gaze searching your face with concern. "Amor, it's me! Alexia."

You blinked again, trying to look utterly bewildered. "Alexia? Sorry, I... I don't really know who that is."

She froze, her eyes growing huge. "No... no, no, no," she muttered, now kneeling down so that her face was inches from yours. "I'm... I'm Alexia. Your novia. Your... your girlfriend?"

You tilted your head, looking at her curiously. "You're my... girlfriend?" You let out a surprised chuckle, trying to make it sound half-nervous. "You're sure about that?"

"Si, yes!" She nodded vigorously, grabbing your hands. "We live together. We... we love each other."

You furrowed your brows as if trying to piece things together. "So... you and I are a couple?" You tried to hold back your amusement as she stared at you, looking absolutely devastated.

"Yes, yes, we are a couple." Her voice softened, her grip on your hands tightening. "Don't... don't you remember me?"

You shook your head slowly, giving her an exaggeratedly pitiful look. "I... I'm really sorry, but no."

The panic in her eyes was almost too much. She squeezed your hands, bringing them to her chest. "I'm your Alexia, mi amor. We met at a game! You... you don't remember this?"

You shook your head, biting back laughter. "A game? Are you... famous or something?"

Her face turned a little pink, and she gave a shy, frustrated nod. "Sí, um, yes. I play football. For Barcelona. And, um... Spain." She said this as if hoping it would jog your memory. "And... you... you make fun of my English sometimes. You... you laugh at me, remember?"

You blinked at her, trying to keep up the confused act. "I make fun of your English?" You let out a tiny chuckle. "Why would I do that?"

She sighed, glancing away briefly before meeting your gaze again, her face soft and concerned. "Because... because you love me. And you say it's cute. My English."

"Oh... really?" You tilted your head, taking in her flustered expression. "Well, you do have a cute accent, I'll give you that." You winked, and she let out a relieved little laugh, squeezing your hands.

"See? I am cute." She tried a smile, though her worry hadn't faded. "And... I love you, a lot. So you must remember, sí?"

You pretended to think hard, then shook your head, looking up at her with a small frown. "I... I don't remember. But you do seem nice. And pretty."

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