Leah < jealous

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Leah wasn't a jealous person. Honest to god she wasn't. She doesn't care who your friends with or what you do when she's not around. There had been several times, in fact, where you'd innocently flirted with someone right in front of her, to get free drinks at all exclusive restaurant and she hadn't even batted an eye. She doesn't get possessive either and she most certainly doesn't stop you from doing whatever the hell you please. She doesn't even mind when someone gets a little too close for comfort, because at the end of the day, it was her you went home with. Her you kissed.

But this moment, right now, was as close a she's ever come to feeling either of those emotions. And no. It wasn't because you were flirting and making eyes at someone, purposely trying to rile her up and make her jealous. In fact, she's certain you're not even aware you were doing it and that makes the whole thing ten times worse.

His name was Bruce. Bruce was handsome. Brown hair and gorgeous blue eyes, seemingly enraptured by your own. Not an ounce of attention was being sent her way and the worst part? Bruce wasn't even human. Bruce was a goddamn dog. A goddamn dog you were looking after for your friend whilst they were away on holiday. You'd barely known him a day and you were all over him!

She'd been home for an hour, and you'd barely looked her way let alone asked her how her day was like you typically tended to do. You were too busy fussing over Bruce who had taken residence in your lap way before she'd even gotten home.

"Who's a good boy? It's you isn't it? Yes you are! You're the goodest boy ever! Oh I love you so much!"

Leah's jaw clenches as she watches you lean forward and kiss the dogs face. Several times in fact of which Bruce was quick to return. When your hands come up to ruffle his ears earning a happy grunt, Leah's resolve snaps. She, as gently as she could physically find it within herself to do so, pushes the goddamn dog off of your lap before situating herself in his place.

Your eyebrows raise in mild surprise as your hands rise to rest on each of her hips. "Can I help you?" You question, your voice tinged with amusement.

Leah huffs as she wriggles herself as close to you as physically possible. "Yes. It's my turn." She demands.

You laugh softly as your hands slip beneath her shirt, resting on the warm, smooth skin of her back. "Your turn?"

"Yes!" Leah grunts, shooting a harsh glare to the dog who was currently chasing its own tail, seemingly unbothered by the chaos he'd caused, When she looks back at you, that same annoying grin was still on your face. "Stop smiling like that." She slaps her hand over your mouth.

You immediately lick it, earning yourself a groan of disgust as she wipes her now wet hand off on your shirt. "I'm sorry darling. I didn't realise it was your turn for some attention." You tease, Leah huffing as she attempts to climb off of your lap. If all you were going to do is wind her up, then she definitely didn't want your attention anymore.

"Oh, no no." You muse, tightening your arms around her waist holding her front flush to your own. "You want my attention, so my attention you shall get. You want ear scratches first? Or belly scratches?" Your hands threaten to dart to her stomach.

Leah yelps as she bats your hands away before they could reach their destination.

"No?" You question as return your hands to their previous positions, eyes glimmering with mirth. "You want butt pats instead?"

Leah's cheeks tinge red in embarrassment, and you can't help chuckle softly as she covers her face with her hands . "No! Stop making fun of me!" She whines, voice muffled.

"I wasn't," you feign innocence, gently pulling her hands away from her face. Leah's cheeks were still tinged red, her bottom lip forming a small pout. "You said it was your turn. I was only giving you what you wanted." You remind her, the blonde huffing again as she pulls hands out of your grasp and crosses her arms against her chest.

"That's not what I meant and you know it." She grumbles.

"Oh come on," you murmur. "don't be such a spoilsport pumpkin." You circle your arms back around her waist and pull her into a hug, Leah remaining stubbornly rigid in your arms. You slip your hands back beneath her shirt and let out a soft sigh, internally amused at her little show for you knew should this situation be reversed, the teasing you'd receive would surely go on for days. Apparently miss sulky pants couldn't take it as well as she dishes it out.

You let go of her waist, bringing your hands up to cup her cheeks. "Smileee." You coo, trailing the pads of your thumbs against the skin beneath her lower lip. Leah continues to glare, and you stare right back at her for a moment before leaning forward slightly and placing a gentle peck to her nose. Leah's eyes narrow, and so you do it again, this time to the skin just heath her eye. This time, Leah's lower lip twitches, and you knew you nearly had her. You lean forward again and kiss her left cheek. Then her right. Then her forehead. Cheek. Nose. Chin. You're fully prepared to go in for an eyelid kiss when Leah finally cracks and pushes you away from her with a soft laugh.

"There she is." you smile, the blonde huffing quietly as she finally allows her arms to settle around your shoulders.

"You suck." She grumbles, toying with the hair on the back of your neck.

You rests your hands against the bare skin of her sides, thumbs grazing just beneath her ribcage. Leah shivers a little in response, but otherwise leaves you to it. "And you're jealous of a dog." You muse.

Leah drops her arms with a scowl. "No I wasn't!"

"Oh you so were," you tug her closer, hands sliding down her body to rest on the small of her back. They playfully snap the waistband of her sweatpants earning yourself soft gasp of surprise. "Oh miss Williamson," you muse. "What am I to do with you?"

Leah's hands instinctively rests against your chest to help keep herself supported. "Shut up about the goddamn dog and kiss me?" Her voice was close to demanding, and you can't help but laugh.

"Now now, is that how you ask nicely?"

Leah groans as she throws her head back. She would have your ass for this. She swears it.


You tilt your head to the side. "Please...what?"

"I'm going to kill you." she threatens, and you grin as you bring your hands up to cup her face, smoothing out her frown lines with your thumb. Leah exhales heavily as she leans into touch. Her forehead comes to rest against yours, and your smile softens at the way she gently nudges her nose against your own. You could feel the tickle of her breath as she speaks.

The quiet please, kiss me murmured against lips was just loud enough for you to hear, but it was all it takes for you to finally press your lips against hers.

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