Alexia < hero

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The airport buzzed with its usual chaos—luggage wheels rattling on tile floors, announcements echoing through the loudspeakers, and the murmur of conversations blending into an indistinct hum. You shuffled through the crowd awkwardly, your crutches pressing into your underarms as you tried to maneuver your suitcase and backpack without tipping over. The bulky boot on your foot made every step feel clumsy, and the long flight had left you too tired to care much about the spectacle you were making.

Ahead, you spotted Alexia, her bright blonde hair catching the sunlight streaming through the airport windows. She stood with her arms crossed, scanning the crowd with a soft smile on her face. When her brown eyes locked onto you, her expression transformed instantly from excitement to concern. Her brows furrowed, and she began weaving her way through the crowd toward you, her strides long and purposeful.

The moment she reached you, she grabbed the suitcase from your grip, her other hand pulling the backpack off your shoulder. Her lips parted as if to say something, but instead, she studied your crutches and the boot with wide eyes.

You barely had time to open your mouth before she asked, "¿Qué pasó? What is this?" Her voice was sharp with worry, though you could hear her effort to soften it.

You gave her a small shrug, attempting to sound casual. "It's just a sprain. Nothing serious."

Alexia's eyes narrowed, her gaze dropping pointedly to the crutches and then back to your face. Clearly, she wasn't convinced.

"How did it happen?" she asked, her voice steady but insistent.

You opened your mouth to explain, but before you could utter a word, Alexia stepped closer. Without warning, she bent slightly, placed one arm firmly beneath your knees, and the other around your back.

"Wait—Alexia, what are you—" Your protest was cut off by a startled yelp as she hoisted you up effortlessly, throwing you over her shoulder like you weighed nothing.

Your crutches clattered awkwardly against your side, and you struggled to adjust them as you shrieked, "Put me down!"

Alexia ignored you completely, her grip secure as she adjusted her hold on your legs. Her arm wrapped tighter around you to keep you from squirming too much. The scene was drawing attention, and a few travelers stopped to stare. You felt your face burn with embarrassment.

"Alexia!" you hissed. "People are staring! This is ridiculous."

She turned her head slightly, her cheek brushing against the back of your thigh as she replied coolly, "No importa. You are hurt."

You sighed in frustration, your free hand coming to rest against the small of her back for balance. "I'm fine. I don't need to be carried."

Alexia didn't respond, instead making her way toward the parking lot with determined strides. You could feel her muscles shift beneath you as she moved, and while you were still mortified, a part of you couldn't help but admire how effortlessly she managed to carry you, your crutches, and all your bags.

When she reached her car, she placed your backpack and suitcase into the trunk without setting you down. You twisted awkwardly, trying to glare at her over your shoulder, but your position made it impossible.

"Are you done playing the hero yet?" you snapped, your irritation mounting.

Instead of answering, Alexia adjusted her hold and brought you upright, her strong arms wrapping securely around your waist. Your chest pressed against hers as she held you off the ground, her face far too calm for your liking.

"Better?" she asked, her brown eyes twinkling with amusement.

"Hardly," you grumbled, glaring at her.

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