You let out a quiet exhale through your nose as you shift onto your back, stretching your arms above your head. As they fall back onto bed with a soft thud, you force your eyes open and come face to face with the ceiling of your bedroom. Craning your head up off the pillow, you're immediately assaulted by the blinding sun escaping in through the partially open curtains.
You groan and immediately cover your eyes with your hand, blindly reaching for the blanket and yanking it up to cover your face.
Once hidden safely, you turn in place to face your girlfriend's side of the bed. The blonde Spaniard was still snoozing away, curled up on her side with a pillow clutched to her chest as her chest rises and falls with each breath. Her shirt was askew due to her frequent tossing and turning throughout the light, the tanned skin of her back now on display.
She looked as content as can be, so much so you couldn't help but reach out and tenderly tuck a soft strand of messy blonde hair behind her ear. Being the deep sleeper she was, Mapi doesn't move a single muscle at your touch, and you couldn't help but smile in amusement as you bring your hand back to rest beneath your head.
The blinding sun still shining through the open curtains of your room suggests it was nearly time to start the day, so you wanted to leave her in peace for the last few minutes she was able to sleep without interruptions.
Calling Mapi a morning person would be a lie -you muse to yourself as you watch her sleep- but she wasn't as terrible as some people. Sure she was a little whiney. Sure she grumbled and was clingy but so long as you were patient and went at her pace, her slight grouchiness was moderately okay to deal with.
Your phone buzzes from where you'd placed it on tot nightstand the night before, effectively breaking you from your thoughts, and you reach for it with a light sigh knowing it was well and truly time to get the day started.
A quiet groan was the first signal that Mapi was somewhat conscious, and with a knowing smile, you scoot closer to the centre of the bed and lightly tug on the material of her shirt. Without hesitation the Spaniard wriggles as close as she could, securing her arms around your waist as she buries her face into your chest. Her hands cling tightly to the back of your shirt as her tanned legs tangle with your own.
You feel the exhale of content that hits your skin, not hesitating to drop a kiss to the top of her head as you slip a hand beneath her shirt to rest on warm skin of her back. Her body was completely flush against your own, not a single once of space between you.
Neither you or Mapi were big on snuggling all night every night. Sure it happened occasionally. Maybe when one of you were sick or'd had a bad day. But typically, you'd cuddle for an hour or so whilst binge watching a series and then move to your respective sides of the bed to go to sleep.
It's what makes the morning cuddles much more special. Especially if it's before a long day, such as Mapi had today with training and media duties.
Speaking of, the Spaniard lets out a quiet grunt as she lightly taps your back, and your roll your eyes playfully as you begin tracing large circles over the bare expanse of her back. Up to just between her shoulder blades and down to the waistband of her shorts. She shows her thanks by lightly kissing your neck, and you smile as you return it to the top of her head.
When minutes pass and she shows no signs of waking, you figure it was time to move onto the next step of trying to rouse her. Craning your head back, you lean forward and begin placing gentle kisses onto each part of skin you could reach. Her forehead. Cheek. Shoulder. Nose.
"Amor." A quiet whine as she blindly reaches up to push your face away, prompting you to smile as you grasp her hand in your own and giving the appendage a soft squeeze. She grunts in response, turning onto her back effectively using your arm as a makeshift pillow.

Woso imagines
FanfictionWoso imagines!! Leah Williamson Alessia Russo Alexia Putellas Mapi Leon Ingrid Engen Katie McCabe