You exhale deeply through your nose as you discard the clothes you were in midst of folding before making your way through to the living room where Leah was currently taking up residence on the couch. The blonde was sick. Or well, you assumed she was anyway, but her stubborn ass was refusing to even admit she was the slightest bit unwell. She was sprawled out beneath a pile of blankets, clad in just your hoodie and some underwear as she stares absently at the tv.
"What is it, lee?" You smile, crouching down next to her and tucking a damp strand of hair behind her ear. Her hand rises to grasp your own, and you give the appendage a soft squeeze as you place a kiss to her too warm forehead. You watch the way her eyes flicker shut in content.
"Cuddle me." She all but demands, and you shake your head playfully as you trail the pad of your thumb over the back of her hand.
"I'm doing laundry, baby. I'll come cuddle you when I'm done, okay?"
"No!" She whines, and you laugh softly as you attempt to rise to your feet anyway. "What are you doing?" She futilely tries to tug you back. "Come back here you cruel woman."
You huff out a laugh as you give into her wants and crouch back down in front of her, "Lee, baby, I will literally be ten minutes, max. If I don't do the laundry now, you won't have any clean kits for training, and then you'll nag me about it for at least the next week."
"No I won't," she grumbles, and you stare pointedly down at her. "I won't! Stop looking at me like that." She whines.
Your hand slips beneath the material of her hoodie and begins tracing gentle circles across the warm skin of her back. She shudders at the feeling, tired eyes threatening to close at the sensation of your skin against her own. "I love you, darling, but we both know that's not the truth. The longer you keep me here, the longer you're gonna have to wait for a cuddle."
"But nothing. Ten minutes, okay?"
Leah grumbles something undecipherable underneath her breath before huffing quietly with a short nod, and you smile softly as you once again kiss her forehead. It was warmer then it had been earlier, and you make a note to bribe her into taking some medicine as you rise to your feet with the intention of finishing the laundry before she inevitably called for you again.
In fact, it never quite managed to get to that, because no more than three minutes later, you feel a familiar pair of arms settle tightly around your waist. You sigh, but can't help the smile that appears on your lips.
"I know," she whines quietly. "But I want cuddles. Please."
Knowing she hardly ever allows herself to become this vulnerable with you; despite the fact you had encouraged her to do so several times, you bend down slightly and reach back to pat her thigh. She gets the hint and jumps up onto your back, allowing you to bounce her up slightly so she was able to wrap her legs properly around your waist to keep herself supported.
"Better?" You squeeze the thigh pressed against your hip a few times, feeling the way Leah nods her head against your shoulder. "Five minutes darling, and then I'm all yours." You assure, and you hear her hum in acknowledgment as she watches you continue with the laundry.
It takes a little longer than she likes, but soon enough, you were settled on the couch with her sprawled on top of you. Her bare thigh was pressed against your hip as she tucks her face into your neck, hands up your shirt and resting on the bare skin of your side. And you hold her just as close, breathing in her soothing scent as you lazily trail your fingers over the small of her back.
"You're warm." You murmur, lips pressed against her forehead, and Leah does no more than hum. She knew you were right. You knew she knew you were right, but stating that out loud wouldn't do either of you any good.
So with a sigh, you decide it would be best to change the subject. "What do you want for dinner?" You slide your hand further up her hoodie to trace over her shoulder blades.
Leah nuzzles the tip of her nose against your throat as she takes a deep breath. "Smiley's please." She murmurs, and you grin knowingly as you nod your head.
"Sure darling. Chicken nuggets too?"
"Mhhh. Please baby."
"Okay," you muse, pressing your lips against her warm forehead in a tender kiss. "You know you're going to have to let me go when I get round to cooking them, right?"
"No." She mumbles, her hand suddenly gripping tightly to the sports bra beneath your shirt.
"No?" You raise an eyebrow playfully, and she simply grunts in response as she clambers further on top of you on a futile effort to stop you from moving.
You can't help but laugh softly as you wrap your arms around her waist, nose buried into the crook of her neck. Gentle hands graze up and down her bare sides, and you smile at the pleasant shudder you receive in response.
"Your smileys won't be able to cook themselves, Lee."
"They will." She grumbles, her voice muffled against your neck.
You shake your head in mind disbelief. "Yeah? You got some magic smileys or some shit?" You can't help but laugh softly as you manage to sit up beneath her. Leah whines again as she was forced upright, legs straddling your hips as her arms loop around your neck.
With a gentle squeeze to her waist, you reach up and cup her face in hopes to gently coax it away from your neck. She fights you for only a second before giving in, and you all but melt at the pout on her lips before reaching up to gently kiss it away. She exhales softly, eyes fluttering closed in content at the feeling of your lips against her own.
"My clingy girl," you murmur as you pull away, trailing the pads of your thumbs against her lightly flushed cheeks. "So adorable."
Leah frowns, gently taking your hands and pulling them a way from her face. You don't let that deter you and instead place them on each of her thighs, giving the flesh a soft squeeze. "No, I'm not."
You raise an eyebrow, "You're not? I'd beg to differ."
"Babe, stop." She whines as she falls forward and buries her face into your neck, and you knew then that she must be a lot sicker than she was letting on.
Any other day, Leah would argue with you until you gave in and agreed she was right, so for her to give up before really getting started, it just confirmed your earlier suspicions.
Deciding that you would forgo getting up for a little while, you lay back down pulling the blonde with you. She sighs heavily as she settles back against your chest, hand rising to cling to the material of your shirt. Your own sneaks back beneath her hoodie, resting against still warm skin.
You don't suggest taking a nap knowing she'd only fight you on the subject, instead settling on humming softly under your breath as you begin tangling your fingers through her hair. You set a gentle rhythm, twisting a thin strand around your pointer finger before gently pulling away and allowing it to slip through your fingers. Fingertips graze against her scalp each time, and you feel the way she grows increasingly limp against you as the careful ministrations continues.
When you're sure she's asleep; her breathing soft and steady and the hand once clutching your shirt now limp, you crane your head forward and press a lingering kiss to her warm forehead. She stirs a little as you pull away, and you gently cup the back of her head trailing the pad of tout thumb over the shell of her ear.
The white noise it create instantly soothes her, and it was only seconds before she stills against you once again.
"My sweet girl."

Woso imagines
FanfictionWoso imagines!! Leah Williamson Alessia Russo Alexia Putellas Mapi Leon Ingrid Engen Katie McCabe