kiss me (in the seat of your rover)

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title from wish you were sober - conan gray.

small drabble before school hits my ass.


seungmin was never a party person.

sure he's an extrovert, but blaring loud music, the disgusting smell of alcohol, and drunk people making out just isn't his thing. did he sign up for this? no. he blames a certain hwang hyunjin for dragging him here. he could've been tucked in his comfy sofa, blanket over his legs watching a movie. 

instead he's stuck here, in the middle of a lively party.

speaking of a certain hwang hyunjin, he flinches as he hears the boy's loud voice behind his ears while standing there deep in his thoughts. hyunjin slaps a hand on seungmin's shoulder, a shit-eating grin on his face.

"why'd you drag me here." seungmin grumbled, clearly pissed.

"c'mon bro, stop indulging yourself in those books all day and have fun for once!" the taller boy giggled, his cheeks a slight rose color from the alcohol.

he knew that a friday night out once in a while won't cause him his entire college career, but he doesn't get the hype of saying fuck it and going out to drink a shit ton of alcohol, bullshit with your homies and hitting up on someone who has a nice ass. 

"this party's shit." seungmin grumbled. wish he had his boyfriend here with him. his boyfriend might be the loudest, probably has a few loose screws, and extremely unhinged when he's with him but seungmin loves him till the death of time. 

unlike his chaotic friend group, seungmin is one who adores his personal space. nothing like being alone with a coffee cup and his boyfri- i mean reading books. seungmin's very much of a nerd, thank you very much.

hyunjin has left to go with his own boyfriend, felix. that leaves seungmin by himself, in a crowd of not-very-sober strangers. seungmin's ears might combust if it keep hearing that goddamn song at the highest volume. 

he walked outside, to the balcony watching the dimly lit street lights flicker on the roads below. he wish he could just yeet himself out of the window and (if he's alive) make his way back to his dorm, but he might die if he jumped off while being on the 12th floor of a building.

out of the blue, he felt arms wrapped around his pretty waist, a familiar warmth behind his back. 

his boyfriend.


"someone's busy being a loner, hm?" minho giggled, turning seungmin over to face him. their faces are so close seungmin could feel minho's breath and their noses touched. the foul smell of alcohol, though slightly, is present in minho's breath. 

"shut up." the younger turns a shade of pink as minho pulled him into a loving kiss. seungmin comfortably latched himself onto minho, he's always been clingy. 

"i'll get you home, you seem to hate it here" minho brushed his tiny fingers through his soft, brown hair, placing another kiss on his cheek. 

"i'll kill hyunjin for dragging me here, i swear." seungmin muttered under his breath. that seemed to pull a chuckle out of minho. 

he felt minho's small hand grab his, guiding the both of them through the crowd of people. seungmin would very much prefer it if minho carried him since his legs didn't feel like doing their job today, but this would have to do. at least he gets to hold minho's hand. 

they were both in minho's car by now, their hands still knitted together. seungmin drifted his eyes through the scenic views of the road late at night, not noticing minho pressing a small kiss on his long fingers when they stop at a red light.

"seungmin, baby?" minho said softly, throwing in a pet name as he knew seungmin is a sucker for it and it would get his attention. sure enough, seungmin turned to his side, cheeks dusted with a slight rose color. 

"focus on driving you idiot, i'm not interested in dying tonight" the younger complained, his lips pouting, which minho found more cute than serious. 

being around minho is truly those moments seungmin cherishes, as he has never felt happier than when he's in minho's arms, sipping on the coffee that he may or may not have stolen from the older. minho is kind of a freak if you think about it, his undying love for coffee and putting his cats priority (just behind kim seungmin), pulling silly pranks on his homies, or staring straight into your soul plotting every single detail of your unalivement. 

"we're here" minho poked at seungmin, snapping him from his delusions and thoughts. the familiar sight of his house was on the side, as they got out of the car with their hands still interwined. 

they stood in front of seungmin's house, minho pulling him into a hug for the last time today. their lips ended up against each other, passionately making out for a good while before seungmin pulled away, gasping for air. minho always kisses seungmin like it's their last.

"i wanna stay with you" seungmin held minho's hand in his palm, pouting at the thought of seperating.

"i'll make it up to you tomorrow."

"come pick me up and drive me to class too" seungmin grinned, placing one last kiss on minho's small hand before letting him go.

"alright, my passenger princess"

he watches as minho turned his back, as the car drove away from his sight, turning around to his own home and making his way into the house. 

saying he fucking loves lee minho is an understatement.


knowmin ; min, nhân đôi.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ