🦊A Safe Space

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Personer: Changbin, Seungmin x Jeongin, Chan, Jisung
Emne: Cute, angst, little space

**Title: "A Safe Space"**

Changbin carefully opened the door to the cozy apartment. The soft hum of a lullaby filled the air, a gentle rhythm that seemed to wrap around his heart. He glanced around, taking in the warm, familiar surroundings—the soft lighting, the smell of vanilla candles burning in the kitchen, and the familiar sight of pillows and blankets strewn across the living room floor.

He took a step forward, his eyes landing on the blanket fort in the center of the room, draped with fairy lights that twinkled like stars. Seungmin and Jeongin were nestled inside. Jeongin’s head was tucked against Seungmin’s shoulder, his face half-hidden behind a small stuffed bunny he clutched tightly in his hands. His eyes were wide, his lips slightly parted, and his thumb rested near his mouth—a telltale sign he was in little space.

Seungmin glanced up, meeting Changbin's eyes with a soft smile, though there was a trace of worry lingering there. “Hey,” he whispered, his voice gentle as if speaking too loudly might shatter the fragile peace they’d created. “He’s been feeling small today. The world got a bit too big again.”

Changbin nodded, his heart squeezing in his chest. Jeongin had these days sometimes—days when everything seemed overwhelming, when every little sound and sight felt too sharp, too loud, too much. Days when the safest place he could find was within his own mind, in a small, innocent headspace where he could retreat from all the chaos around him.

Changbin crouched down, keeping his movements slow and non-threatening, not wanting to startle Jeongin. “Hey, buddy,” he murmured softly, his voice low and soothing. “Want some company in there?”

Jeongin’s eyes darted to him, wide and uncertain, but then he nodded shyly, scooting over to make space under the fort. Changbin crawled inside, feeling the warmth of the blankets and the soft glow of the fairy lights wrapping around them. He settled next to Jeongin, who leaned against him, his bunny still hugged tight to his chest. It was a small gesture, but it meant everything to Changbin. Jeongin felt safe enough to let him in.

Seungmin continued humming a lullaby, his voice a soft, comforting presence. He stroked Jeongin's hair, his fingers moving gently, rhythmically. Changbin joined in quietly, his deeper voice harmonizing with Seungmin's. Slowly, the tension in Jeongin’s small frame began to ease, his shoulders relaxing bit by bit.

Across the room, Chan watched from the kitchen, his heart heavy with a mixture of concern and helplessness. He knew what Jeongin was going through all too well—those days when the weight of anxiety felt like an anchor, dragging him down, making him feel small and vulnerable. He wished he could do more, wished he could be there, but he trusted Changbin and Seungmin to handle it with the care it needed.

Beside him on the couch, Jisung was curled up with a blanket around his shoulders. He’d been quiet for a while now, watching everything unfold with worried eyes. He could feel Chan’s tension radiating off him, see the way his hands gripped the mug of tea a little too tightly. Gently, he reached out and took Chan’s hand in his, squeezing it reassuringly.

“They’ll be okay,” Jisung said softly, his voice like a balm to Chan’s frayed nerves. “Changbin and Seungmin know what to do. They’ve got him.”

Chan nodded, his gaze still fixed on the fort. “I know… I just hate seeing him like this, you know? I want to make it better.”

Jisung understood. They all did. But sometimes, all they could do was be there, be present, and offer what comfort they could. “Come on,” Jisung urged gently, tugging Chan up from the couch. “Let’s make some hot chocolate. I think everyone could use something warm.”

They moved into the kitchen together, the familiar routine of preparing hot chocolate grounding them both. Chan’s hands were still shaking a bit, but Jisung stayed close, his presence steady and calm. He placed a hand over Chan’s as they poured the milk, his thumb brushing over Chan’s knuckles. “I’ve got you,” Jisung whispered, his voice steady and sure.

A few minutes later, they returned with mugs of hot chocolate, each one topped with marshmallows and a swirl of whipped cream. The warmth of the cups seeped into their hands, and Chan could feel the heaviness in his chest begin to lift, even if just a little.

“Look what we’ve got,” Jisung chimed, his tone bright and cheerful as he crouched down near the fort. “Hot chocolate with extra marshmallows!”

Jeongin peeked out from under the blanket, his eyes wide and curious. He crawled out slowly, still clutching his bunny, and accepted a mug from Chan. “Thank you…” he murmured, his voice small and soft.

Changbin smiled, ruffling Jeongin’s hair with a gentle touch. “You’re welcome, little one.”

Seungmin also emerged, stretching his legs out and giving a soft sigh of relief. “Thanks, guys. I think this is just what we all needed.”

The five of them settled together on the floor, forming a comforting circle around the blanket fort. The tension from before seemed to dissolve with each sip of hot chocolate, each shared glance, each soft murmur of reassurance. The room was filled with a calm, quiet warmth that seeped into their bones, wrapping around them like a blanket.

Jisung took a sip of his hot chocolate and leaned against Chan, his head resting on his shoulder. “You know, maybe we should all have a little space sometimes,” he joked lightly, trying to lift the mood. “Just a day to be small and forget about everything else.”

Chan chuckled softly, the sound rumbling in his chest. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe we all need a day like that.”

Jeongin, feeling a bit braver now, piped up in his small, sweet voice, “We can share my fort… if you want.”

Changbin grinned, pulling Jeongin closer. “That sounds like a great idea, Jeongin-ah. I think we’d all fit if we tried.”

Seungmin laughed softly. “It’ll be cramped, but I think we can manage.”

For the next hour, they all crowded into the blanket fort, laughing and talking in soft, soothing tones. Jeongin giggled as Jisung told silly stories, his voice high-pitched and dramatic, making the others chuckle. Changbin wrapped an arm around Jeongin, holding him close, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on his shoulder. The tension that had gripped them earlier melted away in the warmth of their shared presence.

Chan leaned back against the pillows, feeling Jisung’s warmth against his side. He felt lighter than he had all day, his heart swelling with a deep sense of gratitude and love for the people around him. They were his safe space—his little family who made everything a little bit better, just by being there.

And as Jeongin’s eyelids began to droop, his body leaning heavier against Changbin’s, a sense of peace settled over them all. Here, in this little space they had made for themselves, it was okay to feel small. It was okay to feel scared. But most importantly, it was okay to feel safe—because they were all in it together.

And that was enough.

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