🐶 Small and Safe

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Make a story in English using this information:
Main characters: Seungmin
Side People: Chan, Minho
Topic: Hurt, cute, littlespace, angst

**Title: "Small and Safe"**

Seungmin sat alone in the practice room, the soft hum of the air conditioning the only sound breaking the silence. The sun had already set, leaving the room bathed in a dim, bluish hue from the streetlights outside. Normally, the room was filled with the sound of music, laughter, and energy that pulsed through the space when the rest of Stray Kids were present. But tonight, it was eerily quiet, and Seungmin felt like the walls were closing in on him.

The day had been rough, to say the least. No matter how hard he tried, nothing seemed to go right. During practice, his timing was off, his footwork sloppy. Each mistake seemed to magnify the already growing sense of inadequacy he felt. He had smiled through it, as he always did, pretending everything was fine. But inside, the pressure was building. The weight of expectations—his own and those of the people around him—felt like it was crushing him from the inside out.

He tried to shake it off. After all, they had all been through tough times before. It was nothing new, nothing he couldn’t handle. But tonight, something was different. The weight didn’t just press down on him—it was sinking him, pulling him into a deep well of doubt and self-criticism. The negative thoughts were loud, relentless, echoing in his mind like a cruel chorus.

*You’re not good enough. You’ll never be good enough.*

Seungmin hugged his knees to his chest, trying to breathe through the knot tightening in his chest. His breathing quickened as anxiety gnawed at him, each inhale feeling shallow and strained. He felt like he was drowning, the pressure rising, and the more he tried to fight it, the heavier it became.

He had slipped out of the dorm earlier that night, not wanting the other members to see how broken he felt. Chan had given him a concerned look as he left, but Seungmin had brushed it off with a weak smile, saying he just needed some air. He couldn’t bring himself to tell them how bad it had gotten, how small and fragile he felt. They relied on him to be steady, to be strong. What would they think if they saw him like this?

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the practice room door creaking open. Seungmin tensed, hoping whoever it was would just leave him alone. But of course, it wasn’t just anyone. It was Chan, followed closely by Minho.

Chan’s eyes immediately found Seungmin curled up in the corner of the room. His expression softened with concern as he slowly approached. “Seungminnie…?” he called softly, kneeling down a few feet away, careful not to invade Seungmin’s space.

Minho, usually more reserved, also looked visibly worried as he sat down next to Chan, glancing between Seungmin and Chan with a silent question in his eyes. He didn’t know what had happened, but it was clear something was very wrong.

Seungmin didn’t answer. He couldn’t. His mind was swirling too fast, the words stuck in his throat. He wanted to tell them he was fine, that they didn’t need to worry. But the lie wouldn’t come out. Instead, his eyes filled with tears that he couldn’t hold back anymore.

Chan reached out cautiously, placing a gentle hand on Seungmin’s arm. “It’s okay,” he said softly, his voice full of warmth. “You don’t have to talk. We’re here. Just…let us be here with you.”

Seungmin trembled under Chan’s touch, the dam inside him finally breaking. All the emotions he had bottled up for so long came flooding out, and he couldn’t stop it. He felt himself sinking deeper into the overwhelming feeling of helplessness. The room seemed to blur as his vision became clouded with tears.

“I can’t do it,” Seungmin whispered, his voice shaking. “I… I just can’t.”

Chan’s heart broke at Seungmin’s words, at the raw pain in his voice. He squeezed Seungmin’s arm gently, trying to ground him. “You don’t have to do anything right now,” Chan murmured, his voice calm and soothing. “Just breathe, Seungminnie. Just breathe.”

Minho shifted closer, his expression unusually soft. He carefully wrapped an arm around Seungmin’s shoulders, pulling him into a gentle embrace. “You don’t have to be strong all the time,” Minho said quietly, resting his chin on Seungmin’s head. “It’s okay to let go sometimes.”

Seungmin collapsed into Minho’s embrace, his body shaking as he cried. He hated this—hated feeling so weak, so small. But in that moment, the warmth of Minho’s arms around him and Chan’s reassuring presence made it just a little easier to breathe.

As Seungmin’s sobs quieted, something shifted inside him. The weight of everything—the pressure, the expectations—was still there, but now, he felt himself slipping into a different kind of space. A space where the world wasn’t so big, where the responsibilities weren’t so overwhelming. He wasn’t sure when it happened, but suddenly, everything felt softer, smaller.

Seungmin blinked, his tears still wet on his cheeks, but his mind had retreated to a safer place. His grip on reality loosened, and the overwhelming emotions of earlier seemed distant, like they didn’t belong to him anymore. He was smaller now, vulnerable in a different way, but somehow safer.

Minho noticed the shift almost immediately. He tightened his hold on Seungmin, recognizing the signs. Seungmin had slipped into littlespace, a state he sometimes found himself in when the world became too much. It was a place where Seungmin could feel safe, where his adult worries melted away and he could just be cared for.

“Shh, it’s okay, Seungmin-ah,” Minho whispered, rocking him gently. “You’re safe now. We’ve got you.”

Chan moved closer too, his hand softly stroking Seungmin’s hair. “We’re right here,” he said soothingly. “You’re not alone.”

Seungmin nuzzled into Minho’s chest, feeling the comfort and warmth surrounding him. His hands curled into small fists as he clung to Minho’s shirt, his breathing evening out. His mind felt fuzzy, and he didn’t want to think about the hard things anymore. Here, in this space, with Chan and Minho close, everything felt okay.

“Small,” Seungmin mumbled, his voice barely audible.

Chan smiled softly, understanding. “It’s okay to feel small, Seungminnie. You’re safe with us.”

Minho pressed a soft kiss to the top of Seungmin’s head, continuing to rock him gently. “We’ll take care of you. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

Seungmin’s eyelids fluttered as he fought the exhaustion pulling at him. The weight of the day was still there, but it felt distant now, like it belonged to someone else. All that mattered was the safety he felt in Minho’s arms, with Chan nearby, both of them keeping the world at bay.

As Seungmin finally gave in to sleep, curled up in the warmth and safety of his hyungs, the overwhelming feelings of hurt and doubt faded into the background. In their arms, he was allowed to be small, to be vulnerable, and most importantly, to be loved.

And for now, that was enough.

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