🐿️ Jisung's Forgotten Birthday

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Main characters: Jisung
Side Persons: Skz, Seonghwa(Ateez)
Subject: Angst, fluff
Requested by TheLeeKnow_addict-1

Title: Jisung’s Forgotten Birthday

Jisung blinked against the morning light filtering through the thin curtains of the dorm he shared with the other members of Stray Kids. The sun warmed his face as he pulled the blanket tighter around him, reluctant to leave the comfort of his bed. However, the persistent nagging excitement tugged at him, pulling him toward the realization that today was a special day—his birthday.

“Birthday!” he whispered to himself, a broad smile stretching across his face. A day meant for celebration! A day for cake, gifts, and laughter! But as he looked around the room, the familiar sinking feeling began to creep in. There were no decorations, no balloons, and no gifts in sight. Just silence.

His heart sank as he remembered that no one had wished him a happy birthday yet. “Maybe they’re just waiting to surprise me,” he thought, desperately holding on to the hope that his friends were planning something special. After all, Stray Kids had always felt like family to him. But as the minutes ticked by in the stillness of the morning, that hope started to fade.

Determined not to let his disappointment ruin his day, Jisung got up and shuffled into the common area of the dorm. He found Bang Chan sitting at the kitchen table, sipping coffee and scrolling through his phone. “Morning, Chan!” Jisung greeted, trying to sound cheerful despite the heaviness in his heart.

“Hey, Jisung! You’re up early,” Bang Chan replied, glancing up with a smile. “Any plans for today?”

“Um…” Jisung hesitated, a sense of anxiety bubbling in his chest. “It’s my birthday.” He waited, hoping for the excitement that should accompany such a statement. But instead, Bang Chan’s smile faded slightly.

“Oh, right! Happy birthday! We should definitely do something later,” Bang Chan said, but his tone felt somewhat rehearsed.

“Later?” Jisung echoed, his stomach sinking further. “What about now?”

“We’ll celebrate later, I promise!” Bang Chan insisted, trying to reassure him. But Jisung’s heart felt heavy as he nodded in response, feeling more invisible with every word. He forced himself to smile and turned away, retreating to his room, where the silence enveloped him like a suffocating blanket.

Trying to distract himself, Jisung picked up his phone and began scrolling through social media. Notifications flooded in, filled with birthday wishes from fans and friends, and while it warmed his heart, it also served as a painful reminder of the lack of celebration around him. No gifts, no surprises, no joyful chaos to mark his special day.

After a while, he decided to take a walk outside to clear his head. He needed fresh air, hoping that it would lift his spirits. Stepping into the bright sunlight, he felt the warmth on his skin, but the lively atmosphere around him only deepened his feelings of loneliness.

When he returned to the dorm later, he was greeted with the sound of laughter and chatter coming from the common area. His heart leaped with a flicker of hope. Maybe they were planning something after all! But as he stepped into the room, he was met with a different scene. The living room was elaborately decorated for Felix’s birthday, which was the very next day. Colorful streamers and balloons filled the space, and at the center of it all was Felix, beaming with joy.

“Happy Birthday, Felix!” the members shouted in unison, their voices vibrant with excitement. Jisung felt his heart drop as he watched them celebrate without him. Felix stood at the center, surrounded by gifts and cakes, basking in the warmth of his friends’ love. Jisung felt a pang of jealousy mixed with sadness. Why hadn’t they done anything for him?

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