🐰🥟 Rest and Comfort

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Main characters: Hyunjin, Minho
Page People: Chan, Jeongin
Subject: sick, littlespace

“Rest and Comfort”

Hyunjin had always known that touring could be grueling, but this time, it felt like it was pushing him beyond his limits. He could usually handle the sleepless nights, the endless rehearsals, and the flashing cameras. But right now, his body was rebelling against him. The flu had hit him hard, but Hyunjin didn’t want to worry anyone. So, he pushed through as usual, pretending he was fine.

It wasn’t until the group arrived in Tokyo for the next leg of their tour that Hyunjin’s condition became obvious. The moment they got off the plane, he felt the world spin. His legs turned to jelly, and his vision blurred. He wobbled on his feet, only managing to hold onto Minho’s arm to stop himself from collapsing.

Minho glanced at him sharply. “Hyunjin, what the hell? Are you okay?”

“‘M fine…” Hyunjin mumbled, blinking slowly. His voice was hoarse, and the chill running through him made it impossible to stop shivering. Minho's eyes narrowed, concern washing over his usual playful expression. Minho always looked out for him, and Hyunjin hated burdening him.

“You don’t look fine,” Minho said, lowering his voice. “Come on. Let’s get you back to the hotel.”

Hyunjin nodded, too exhausted to argue. It wasn’t like he had the energy to insist otherwise. They made their way to the van, where the other members—Chan and Jeongin—were already seated. Chan was typing away on his phone, probably texting their manager, while Jeongin absentmindedly scrolled through social media. As soon as Minho helped Hyunjin sit down, Chan glanced up, his sharp gaze flickering between the two.

“What’s going on?” Chan asked.

“He’s sick,” Minho answered shortly, pressing a hand to Hyunjin’s forehead. “And burning up.”

Chan frowned, immediately switching into leader mode. “Why didn’t you say anything, Hyunjin? You should’ve told us.”

Hyunjin shrugged, not even sure if he could form a coherent answer. His brain felt foggy, and all he wanted was to curl up somewhere warm and sleep for a few days. “Didn’t wanna... be a burden,” he muttered.

“You’re not a burden,” Chan said firmly. “We can’t have you pushing yourself to the point of collapsing. You need to rest.”

Jeongin, who had been quiet so far, spoke up softly. “Hyung, I’ll help you with whatever you need, okay? Don’t worry about anything.”

Hyunjin smiled faintly, appreciating the support, though it barely registered in his hazy state. The ride to the hotel was mostly quiet, apart from Chan coordinating with their manager to rearrange their schedule so Hyunjin could rest for the next couple of days. He didn’t argue. He didn’t have the strength.

By the time they reached their hotel, Hyunjin could barely stand. Minho took charge, wrapping an arm around his waist and guiding him up to his room. Once inside, Minho helped him sit on the bed and handed him a bottle of water.

“Drink this. You’re dehydrated,” Minho said, his tone gentle but firm. He always got like this when someone he cared about was sick—authoritative and calm, which made Hyunjin feel safe. He tried to take a sip, but his hands were shaking so badly that he almost dropped the bottle. Minho took it back, holding it to his lips so he could drink more easily.

“There you go,” Minho murmured softly, brushing Hyunjin’s damp hair out of his eyes. “We’ll get you into bed soon. Just hang in there for me.”

The tenderness in Minho’s voice stirred something deep within Hyunjin, something he didn’t quite understand. He was feeling vulnerable—physically, yes, but also emotionally. His exhaustion made it hard to maintain the façade of being one of the older, more responsible members of the group. It made him feel small. Not the usual Hyunjin—artistic and graceful and poised under pressure—but someone who wanted to be taken care of.

Minho must have sensed the shift because he didn’t press him to talk. Instead, he helped him change into more comfortable clothes and tucked him into bed, pulling the blankets up to his chin. It felt like a cocoon of warmth, and Hyunjin let out a soft, content sigh.

“Better?” Minho asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Hyunjin nodded, though he still felt feverish and weak. Minho's presence was a comfort, like a steady rock in a storm. Hyunjin closed his eyes, but the world still felt a little too big, a little too loud. He curled up under the blankets, pulling them tighter around himself.

After a moment, Minho said, “Do you need anything else? A cold compress? Medicine?”

Hyunjin hesitated. What he wanted was difficult to explain. The last thing he wanted to do was worry Minho, but there was something else eating away at him. A strange need for reassurance, for someone to make all the big, scary feelings go away. He wasn’t sure if he was making sense, but in his current state, it was hard to keep it together.

“Just... stay?” Hyunjin’s voice was quiet, barely more than a whisper. He hated how small he sounded, but it was the truth.

Minho blinked in surprise but then smiled gently. “Of course I’ll stay.”

Minho shifted, lying down next to Hyunjin on top of the covers. He turned onto his side, facing Hyunjin, and placed a hand on his head, running his fingers softly through his hair. Hyunjin’s eyes fluttered closed at the gentle touch, a feeling of comfort washing over him. He relaxed into Minho’s presence, letting his breathing slow down.

“Are you feeling like this because you’re sick, or is it... something else?” Minho asked carefully.

Hyunjin didn’t answer right away. He wasn’t sure how to explain what he was feeling. But Minho had always understood him better than anyone, so he gave in to the vulnerability.

“Sometimes... when I’m sick, I feel like... a little kid,” Hyunjin admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. “Like everything’s too much, and I just need someone to take care of me.”

Minho nodded as if he completely understood. “That’s okay. You can feel that way with me. I’m here to take care of you, Hyunjin.”

Hyunjin’s chest tightened, a wave of emotion flooding him. He didn’t feel like he had to be strong or put on a brave face with Minho. He could be small. He could be taken care of.

“You can rest,” Minho continued, his voice soothing. “You don’t have to worry about anything right now. Just focus on getting better. I’ve got you.”

Hyunjin nodded, closing his eyes. The comforting sound of Minho’s voice, the rhythmic motion of his fingers through his hair—it was all so calming. For the first time in days, Hyunjin felt safe. He felt like he could let go of the weight on his shoulders and just... be.

As Hyunjin drifted off to sleep, Minho stayed beside him, watching over him carefully. It wasn’t long before Chan and Jeongin knocked softly on the door, checking in. Minho held a finger to his lips, signaling them to be quiet. Chan peeked in, his expression softening when he saw Hyunjin resting peacefully.

“He’ll be alright,” Minho whispered. “Just needs time to recover.”

Chan nodded. “We’ll make sure he gets all the rest he needs. Take care of him tonight.”

“I will,” Minho replied, his hand still gently brushing through Hyunjin’s hair.

With that, Chan and Jeongin quietly left the room, leaving Minho to continue his quiet vigil. The room was peaceful now, and Hyunjin’s breathing was deep and even.

For now, he didn’t have to worry about anything. Minho was there, and that was all he needed.


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