🐿️🐶 A Story of Strength and Support

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Main characters: Jisung, Seungmin
Side Characters: Minho, Hyunjin
Subject: 🔞


**A Story of Strength and Support**

**Trigger Warning**: This story touches on themes of emotional distress, trauma, and recovery. Please read with caution if these themes may be triggering to you.

The room was unusually quiet. It was late, the kind of late where even the hum of the city outside felt distant and muffled. In the darkness, Jisung sat on the edge of his bed, his hands trembling. The weight of his thoughts pressed heavily on him, the memories of the recent days flashing in his mind like lightning strikes, brief but blinding.

He had been hiding it for days now—the pain, the confusion, the shame. The traumatic event he had gone through left him hollow, a shell of himself. He hadn't been able to sleep, couldn't look anyone in the eye, and each time someone asked if he was okay, he gave the same tired response: “Yeah, I’m fine.”

But Seungmin knew better. He had always been more observant than the others, always able to read between the lines. Seungmin could tell something was wrong with Jisung—his usually bright, carefree friend had become quiet and withdrawn. After practice, when everyone else went to their rooms, Jisung stayed behind, sitting alone with his thoughts. His usual smile no longer reached his eyes.

One night, after another long practice session, Seungmin found Jisung sitting alone in the practice room. His face was buried in his hands, and the exhaustion radiated off him. Without saying a word, Seungmin sat beside him.

"Jisung," Seungmin began softly, his voice filled with concern, "you don’t have to tell me what’s going on, but… I’m worried about you. We all are."

Jisung stayed silent for a moment, his breath shaky. He wanted to say something—anything—but the words just wouldn’t come. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he spoke, his voice barely audible.

“Something happened, Seungmin... something I can’t explain. I don’t know how to deal with it. I feel so... broken.”

Seungmin’s heart sank at those words. He didn’t know the full story, but the pain in Jisung’s voice was undeniable. He reached out, placing a comforting hand on Jisung’s shoulder. "You’re not broken," Seungmin whispered, "but you’re hurting, and that’s okay. I’m here for you, no matter what."

For the first time in days, Jisung felt a sliver of relief. He hadn’t spoken to anyone about what had happened, hadn’t let anyone in on the burden he was carrying. But here was Seungmin, not demanding explanations, not pushing him for details—just offering support.

“I don’t know how to talk about it,” Jisung admitted, tears brimming in his eyes. "I feel ashamed... like it’s my fault."

Seungmin shook his head, his grip on Jisung’s shoulder tightening slightly. "It’s not your fault, Jisung. Whatever happened, you didn’t deserve it. And you don’t have to go through this alone."

The next few days passed in a blur. Jisung continued to struggle, but now, Seungmin was always by his side, offering quiet support. They didn’t talk about it directly, but Seungmin’s presence was enough to help Jisung feel less isolated.

Meanwhile, Minho and Hyunjin had begun to notice the change in Jisung as well. They exchanged worried glances during practice, sensing that something was wrong but not knowing how to approach him.

One afternoon, when Seungmin was helping Jisung with some lyrics in the studio, Minho and Hyunjin found them.

"Hey," Minho said softly, sitting down beside Jisung, "we’ve noticed you’ve been… off lately. You don’t have to tell us what’s going on, but we want you to know we’re here for you."

Hyunjin nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Jisung. We care about you, and we’re worried. We’ve all been through tough times, and if you need to talk, we’re here. No pressure."

Jisung’s eyes darted between Minho and Hyunjin, and then over to Seungmin, who gave him a small nod of encouragement. Taking a deep breath, Jisung decided to open up, even if only a little.

“I’ve been going through something… something really hard,” Jisung admitted. “It’s been eating at me, and I don’t know how to handle it. I’ve been feeling like I’m drowning, but Seungmin… he’s been helping me stay afloat.”

Minho and Hyunjin exchanged a glance, their expressions softening. “We’re all here for you,” Minho said gently. "Whatever you need—whether it’s talking, distracting yourself, or just hanging out in silence—we’ve got your back."

Hyunjin added, “No one should have to face something like this alone. You’re not a burden, and you’re not weak for feeling this way.”

Jisung felt a rush of emotion. He had been carrying the weight of his trauma alone for so long, but now, for the first time, he felt like he didn’t have to bear it all on his own. His friends—his brothers—were there for him, ready to support him in whatever way he needed.

Over the next few weeks, Jisung slowly began to heal. It wasn’t easy, and there were still moments where the memories resurfaced, leaving him feeling raw and vulnerable. But now, he had Seungmin, Minho, and Hyunjin by his side. They supported him through the tough days and celebrated the small victories—whether it was getting through practice without feeling overwhelmed or just managing to get a good night’s sleep.

There were moments where Jisung felt like he would never fully recover, but Seungmin was always there to remind him that healing wasn’t linear. "You’re stronger than you think," Seungmin would say, "and no matter how long it takes, we’ll be with you every step of the way."

One evening, after a particularly good day, Jisung sat on the dorm’s balcony with Seungmin, Minho, and Hyunjin. The city lights twinkled below them, and for the first time in a long while, Jisung felt at peace.

“I don’t know what I would’ve done without you guys,” Jisung said softly, his voice filled with gratitude.

Minho smiled. “We’re family, Jisung. You don’t ever have to face anything alone.”

Hyunjin nodded, his arm resting on Jisung’s shoulder. “We’re in this together. Always.”

Jisung leaned back in his chair, feeling the warmth of his friends’ presence around him. The road ahead wasn’t going to be easy, but he knew that with the support of his friends, he could face whatever came next.

And for the first time in a long while, Jisung felt hope.


This story focuses on emotional support, healing, and the strength of friendship, staying within a respectful line

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