🐿️ Unseen Strength

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Main characters: Jisung
Page People: Changbin
Subject: sick


### "Unseen Strength"

The city hummed outside, the distant sound of traffic and life barely making its way through the thick walls of the dorm. Inside, though, everything was still and quiet—a rare occurrence given how lively the Stray Kids dorm usually was. But today, the atmosphere felt subdued, heavy even. The usual chatter and energy of the members were absent, especially from one of the loudest personalities among them—Jisung.

Jisung lay in his bed, eyes half-closed as he fought against the dizziness and the pounding headache that had been his constant companion for the past few days. His body felt like it was burning up, even though he was shivering under the thick covers. His throat was raw, his muscles ached, and every breath felt like a struggle.

He hated feeling like this—helpless, useless. There was so much to do with the comeback just around the corner. They had rehearsals, recordings, and schedules that couldn’t wait. And yet, here he was, stuck in bed, unable to do anything but groan in frustration.

The soft creak of the door opening caught his attention, though he didn’t have the energy to turn his head. A familiar voice, deep and steady, broke the silence.

“Jisung-ah, how’re you feeling?” Changbin asked, stepping into the room. He was holding a tray with some porridge and a cup of warm tea.

Jisung managed a weak smile. “Like I got run over by a bus,” he croaked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Changbin sighed, shaking his head as he approached the bed. He set the tray down on the small table beside Jisung and reached out to feel his forehead with the back of his hand. “You’re burning up. Have you been taking the medicine I gave you?”

“Yeah…” Jisung muttered. “Doesn’t feel like it’s helping, though.”

“You need to give it time. You’re not gonna get better overnight,” Changbin said, his voice laced with the kind of authority that only a hyung could have. He sat down on the edge of the bed, his eyes scanning Jisung’s face with concern.

“I know,” Jisung sighed. “I just hate this. I hate not being able to do anything. Everyone’s working so hard, and I’m just… lying here.”

Changbin frowned, his brow furrowing. “Yah, Jisung-ah, don’t think like that. You’re not ‘just lying here.’ You’re sick. You need to rest so you can come back stronger. We’ve all been there.”

“I know, hyung,” Jisung murmured, looking down at his hands, feeling the guilt creep in. “But the comeback is so close. I don’t want to be the reason things get delayed. What if I’m not ready in time?”

Changbin let out a small chuckle, though it wasn’t mocking. It was more like he couldn’t believe Jisung was being so hard on himself. “Seriously, you think missing a couple of days is gonna ruin everything? We’re a team, remember? We’ve got your back. You’ve been pushing yourself way too hard these past few weeks. You need to let yourself recover.”

Jisung looked up at Changbin, feeling a pang of guilt in his chest. He had been pushing himself, but it was only because he didn’t want to let anyone down. Stray Kids was everything to him, and the thought of being the one to hold them back made him feel worse than any fever could.

Changbin seemed to read his thoughts, his expression softening. “Look, no one’s blaming you for getting sick. If anything, we’ve all been worried about you. You’ve been acting off for a few days now, but you didn’t say anything. You should’ve told us earlier.”

“I didn’t want to worry anyone,” Jisung admitted, his voice barely a whisper. “I thought it was just a cold. Didn’t think it’d get this bad.”

Changbin sighed and shook his head. “You’re always trying to act tough, but you don’t have to do that with us, Jisung-ah. We’re your brothers. We’re here to take care of each other.”

Jisung felt a lump form in his throat, though he wasn’t sure if it was from emotion or just the soreness that had been bothering him for days. “I know, hyung. I just… I hate feeling like this.”

“I get it,” Changbin said, nodding. “But right now, the best thing you can do for all of us is to get better. So stop worrying about the comeback or the schedules. We’ll handle it. Just focus on resting.”

Jisung nodded slowly, though he still felt uneasy about being out of commission for so long. He glanced at the tray beside him and realized that he hadn’t eaten much all day. His stomach churned at the thought of food, but he knew he needed to eat something if he wanted to get better.

Changbin must have noticed his hesitation because he picked up the bowl of porridge and held it out to him. “Here, try to eat a little. It’s not much, but you need to keep your strength up.”

Jisung took the bowl with trembling hands, and Changbin helped steady him as he took a small spoonful. The warmth of the porridge soothed his throat a bit, though he could barely taste it. He ate slowly, more out of obligation than hunger, but each bite seemed to give him a little more energy.

As Jisung ate, Changbin stayed by his side, not saying much but offering silent support. It was comforting, in a way. Even though Jisung hated being taken care of, he couldn’t deny that it felt nice to have someone looking out for him, especially Changbin, who was always the strong, reliable one in the group.

“You know,” Changbin said after a while, breaking the silence, “you’re always the one who tells us to take care of ourselves. You’re always telling us not to push too hard, but you never take your own advice.”

Jisung let out a weak chuckle, knowing Changbin was right. “Yeah… guess I’m not good at listening to myself.”

“Clearly,” Changbin teased, though his tone was gentle. “But seriously, Jisung, we all need to take breaks sometimes. Even you. Especially you.”

Jisung nodded, leaning back against his pillow with a tired sigh. The food and tea had helped a little, but he still felt drained. His fever hadn’t broken yet, and his body ached in ways he didn’t even think were possible. But somehow, having Changbin there made it a little more bearable.

“Thanks, hyung,” Jisung muttered, his eyes already starting to close as exhaustion took over.

Changbin stood up, pulling the blanket over Jisung’s shoulders and making sure he was comfortable. “Don’t worry about anything else. Just rest, okay? We’ve got this.”

Jisung smiled faintly, too tired to respond but feeling a little lighter, knowing that Changbin and the rest of the group were behind him, no matter what. As he drifted off to sleep, he heard Changbin’s quiet footsteps as he left the room, closing the door softly behind him.

And for the first time in days, Jisung felt like everything might just be okay.

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