🐺🐷🥟 A Place to Be Small

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Main characters: Hyunjin, changbin, chan
Side People: Seungmin, Felix, Minho
Subject: fluff, cute, littlespace, angst

**Title: "A Place to Be Small"**

The dorm was unusually quiet for a Friday evening. Normally, the sound of laughter, teasing, and music filled the air as the members of Stray Kids relaxed after a long week. But tonight, something felt different. Hyunjin, in particular, felt it pressing on him like a weight he couldn’t shake.

He had tried to brush it off. He had danced harder, worked out with Changbin, and even tried to distract himself with games alongside Felix. But none of it worked. The stress, the pressure to always be perfect, and the relentless expectations from fans, the company, and even himself were starting to eat away at him.

Now, as he sat alone in his room, the weight felt unbearable. His hands trembled slightly as he pressed them to his forehead, trying to hold back the wave of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. His heart was racing, and he felt like the world was too loud, too big. Too much.

A soft knock interrupted his thoughts.

“Hyunjin?” Chan’s voice came from the other side of the door, filled with concern. “Can I come in?”

Hyunjin didn’t trust himself to speak, so he just made a small sound, hoping Chan would understand. A moment later, the door creaked open, and Chan stepped inside, his eyes immediately finding Hyunjin curled up on the bed.

“Hey…” Chan’s voice was soft as he approached, sitting on the edge of the bed. “What’s going on?”

Hyunjin swallowed, trying to form words, but they felt stuck in his throat. He looked up at Chan, his eyes wide with unshed tears. Chan’s expression softened even more as he realized just how much Hyunjin had been holding in.

Without a word, Chan reached out, pulling Hyunjin into a gentle embrace. “You don’t have to talk if you don’t want to,” he murmured, his hand rubbing soothing circles on Hyunjin’s back. “But I’m here, okay? You’re not alone.”

That was all it took. The dam inside Hyunjin broke, and a sob escaped his lips as he buried his face in Chan’s shoulder. His hands gripped the fabric of Chan’s hoodie tightly as the emotions he had been fighting so hard to control finally spilled over.

“I can’t,” Hyunjin choked out between sobs. “It’s… it’s too much. I’m not strong enough.”

Chan’s heart ached at the words. He held Hyunjin tighter, his voice calm and steady. “You don’t have to be strong all the time, Hyunjin. It’s okay to feel like this.”

The door opened again, this time more quietly, and Changbin slipped into the room. He had sensed something was wrong earlier, when Hyunjin had withdrawn during dinner, but he hadn’t known how bad it was until now.

Changbin exchanged a quick look with Chan, and without hesitation, he moved to sit on Hyunjin’s other side, gently placing a hand on his knee. “Hyunjin-ah, you don’t have to carry everything by yourself,” Changbin said softly. “We’re here to help, remember?”

Hyunjin’s sobs slowed as the warmth of his members’ presence surrounded him, but the emotions still swirled inside. The world still felt too big, too overwhelming. His mind was slipping, retreating to a place that felt safer, smaller.

He shifted slightly in Chan’s embrace, pulling his knees up to his chest. Everything felt fuzzy, distant. The anxiety that had weighed so heavily on him moments ago was still there, but it felt far away now, as if it didn’t belong to him anymore.

Chan noticed the change in Hyunjin’s posture immediately. His arms tightened protectively around the younger boy as he felt him slipping into littlespace, a place where Hyunjin often went when the world became too overwhelming. It was a vulnerable space, but also one where Hyunjin could find comfort and safety.

“Hyunjinnie,” Chan whispered, his tone soft and comforting. “Do you want to lie down for a bit? We’ll stay with you.”

Hyunjin nodded, not trusting his voice, and allowed Chan to guide him gently to lie down on the bed. He curled up on his side, his hands instinctively finding Chan’s sleeve and gripping it tightly. Chan lay down beside him, staying close but giving him enough space to feel comfortable.

Changbin lay down on Hyunjin’s other side, his hand resting lightly on Hyunjin’s arm. “You’re okay,” Changbin said quietly. “We’ve got you.”

As Hyunjin settled into the soft blankets, the world outside seemed to fade further away. His mind felt small, like a child’s, and in this space, everything was simpler. He didn’t have to be perfect. He didn’t have to be anything but himself. He felt safe, cradled between Chan and Changbin, their steady presence keeping the overwhelming world at bay.

“Hyunnie, look what I brought,” Felix’s soft voice came from the doorway, and Hyunjin’s ears perked up slightly.

Felix padded over with a stuffed animal in his arms, the plush bunny that Hyunjin loved but rarely took out of the drawer. Felix gently placed it in Hyunjin’s arms, and Hyunjin immediately clutched it to his chest, nuzzling into its soft fur. The scent of home, comfort, and the familiar warmth of his friends surrounded him.

Felix smiled warmly, watching as Hyunjin relaxed a little more, his grip on the stuffed bunny tightening. “There you go, Hyunnie. Bunny missed you,” he whispered before sitting down at the foot of the bed.

Minho and Seungmin appeared next, quietly slipping into the room. They didn’t say much, but their presence filled the space with a quiet calm. Minho settled himself on the armchair by the bed, and Seungmin sat on the floor, leaning back against the bedframe.

“We’ll stay as long as you need, Hyunjin,” Minho said quietly. “You’re not alone.”

Hyunjin blinked up at them through teary eyes, but the tears didn’t feel as heavy now. His heart still ached, and the pressure hadn’t disappeared completely, but the warmth of his friends, the comfort of their presence, made it bearable. He wasn’t alone in this space, and that was enough.

Chan stroked Hyunjin’s hair gently, his voice low and soothing. “You’re doing so well, Hyunnie. Just rest. We’ve got everything else covered.”

Hyunjin let out a small whimper, but it was more of a sound of relief than distress. He burrowed deeper into the blankets, feeling the weight of his bunny in his arms and the comforting weight of his hyungs around him. Littlespace was a strange place for him—it wasn’t something he could control, but it always felt like a place where he could let go of the expectations and just be cared for.

Changbin shifted a little closer, making sure Hyunjin felt secure between them. “If you need anything, just let us know, okay?” he whispered, his hand gently rubbing Hyunjin’s back in slow circles.

Hyunjin nodded weakly, his eyelids growing heavy. The familiar, comforting scent of Chan’s hoodie and the soft plush of the bunny were lulling him to sleep. He didn’t want to fight it anymore. In this small, safe space, he could rest.

As Hyunjin drifted off, Chan exchanged a glance with Changbin and the others. They all knew how important it was for Hyunjin to have this space, to feel small and protected when the world became too much.

“Sleep, Hyunnie,” Chan murmured softly, pressing a light kiss to Hyunjin’s forehead. “We’ll be here when you wake up.”

And with that, Hyunjin let himself fall completely into the warmth and safety around him, knowing that in this place, with his family by his side, he didn’t have to be anything but himself. And that was more than enough.

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