🐥 The Broken Stage

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Main characters: Felix
Page Persons: Chan
Subject: hurt

**Title: "The Broken Stage"**

Felix stood alone in the practice room, the dull hum of the air conditioning filling the silence. His hands rested on his knees, his breathing heavy from the intense dance routine he had just finished. Sweat dripped down the side of his face, but he barely noticed. His mind was elsewhere, lost in a whirl of emotions he couldn't quite articulate.

He was supposed to be fine. He was supposed to be better than this. He was *Felix*—part of *Stray Kids*, known for his deep voice and bright personality. But lately, something had been off. The smile that came so easily to him now felt like a mask he had to wear, and it was growing heavier by the day.

"Felix, you okay?" a familiar voice called out from behind him. Chan entered the room, his leader’s instincts sharp as ever. He could always sense when something was wrong, especially with Felix.

Felix straightened up, plastering on his usual grin. "Yeah, I'm good, hyung. Just practicing a little more."

Chan narrowed his eyes. Felix could tell he wasn't buying the act, but he didn’t push further. Instead, he walked over, grabbed a towel from the nearby bench, and tossed it to him.

"You’ve been practicing alone a lot lately," Chan said, his tone casual but laced with concern. "Everything alright?"

Felix hesitated, unsure of how to answer. Part of him wanted to spill everything—to tell Chan how he felt like he was falling apart inside, how every day seemed like an uphill battle. But another part of him didn’t want to burden his leader. Chan had enough to deal with already: the pressures of managing the group, composing music, and keeping everyone on track.

"Just trying to perfect my moves," Felix finally replied, his voice a little too cheerful. "You know how it is."

Chan studied him for a moment longer before nodding. "Alright. But don’t overwork yourself. We have a busy schedule coming up, and I don’t want you burning out."

"I won’t," Felix assured him, though he wasn’t sure if he believed it himself.

Chan stayed with him for a while longer, talking about their upcoming promotions and practice sessions. But Felix’s mind was elsewhere. The more Chan talked about the future, the more Felix’s chest tightened. Could he even keep up with the others? He had been feeling off for weeks now, emotionally drained, as if the passion he once had for music and performing was slipping away.

When Chan finally left, Felix allowed the smile to drop from his face. He sank to the floor, resting his back against the wall, and closed his eyes. The emptiness inside him was growing, and no amount of dancing or singing seemed to fill it.

He thought back to when they first debuted, how everything had felt so exciting back then. The late-night practices, the adrenaline of performing on stage, the joy of hearing STAYs cheer for them—it had all been worth the exhaustion. But now, those same experiences felt hollow, like he was going through the motions without really feeling them.

Felix wasn’t sure when it had started, but he knew it had been building for a while. Maybe it was the pressure to always be perfect, to never show weakness. Or maybe it was the fear of letting down the people who looked up to him—his fans, his members, his family. Whatever it was, it hurt, and he didn’t know how to fix it.

The next few days passed in a blur of rehearsals and schedule preparations. Felix kept up his usual cheerful front around the others, but inside, the heaviness persisted. His limbs felt like they were moving through water during dance practice, and his voice lacked its usual energy during vocal training. But he pushed through, not wanting to cause any alarm.

It wasn’t until the night before their live performance that everything came crashing down.

They were practicing one last time in the company’s studio, going over the choreography for their newest song. The atmosphere was tense, with everyone focused on perfecting their moves. Felix could feel his muscles straining, his body protesting from the weeks of overwork, but he pushed through the pain.

And then, it happened.

Midway through the routine, Felix’s vision blurred. His legs wobbled beneath him, and before he could stop himself, he collapsed onto the floor. The music cut off abruptly, and he heard the others rushing toward him, voices filled with panic.

"Felix!" Chan’s voice rang out, louder than the others, as he knelt beside him. "What happened? Are you hurt?"

Felix blinked up at him, his body trembling from exhaustion. The world around him seemed to tilt, and for a moment, he wasn’t sure if he could speak. But then the words spilled out, unfiltered and raw.

"I... I can't do this anymore," Felix whispered, his voice breaking. "I’m so tired, hyung. I’m so tired, and I don’t know why."

Chan’s expression softened, his hand resting on Felix’s shoulder. "Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to do this alone."

Felix shook his head, tears brimming in his eyes. "But I’m supposed to be strong, right? I’m supposed to be the happy one. I don’t want to let everyone down."

"You’re not letting anyone down," Chan said firmly. "You’re human, Felix. You’re allowed to feel this way. We all have moments when we struggle."

"But you always seem so strong," Felix said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Chan sighed, his gaze softening even more. "I’m not as strong as you think. There have been times when I’ve felt just like you do now—overwhelmed, lost. But I’ve had you guys to lean on. And you have us too. You don’t have to carry this weight alone."

The sincerity in Chan’s voice broke something inside Felix. The tears he had been holding back for so long finally spilled over, and he buried his face in his hands. He felt Chan’s arms wrap around him, pulling him into a hug, and for the first time in what felt like forever, Felix let himself cry.

The rest of the members gathered around, their concern evident, but they didn’t say much. They didn’t need to. Their presence was enough.

After what felt like hours, Felix finally pulled away, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand. He felt lighter, though the pain wasn’t entirely gone. But for the first time in weeks, he didn’t feel alone.

Chan gave him a reassuring smile. "We’ll get through this together, okay? Take it one step at a time. And if you ever feel like this again, don’t hesitate to tell me. We’re a team, Felix. We take care of each other."

Felix nodded, his heart swelling with gratitude. "Thank you, hyung."

The rest of the night was quiet, but the air between them felt different—more open, more real. Felix knew that the road ahead wouldn’t be easy. There would still be days where he felt lost, where the weight of everything threatened to pull him under. But now, he knew he didn’t have to face it alone. He had his members, his family, and that was enough.

As they left the studio together, Chan slung an arm around Felix’s shoulders. "You’re going to be okay. We’ve got your back."

And for the first time in a long time, Felix believed him.

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