"PERVERT! PERVERT! PERVERT!" Erza screamed as she stomped and lashed her leg out repeatedly, destroying the massive boulder behind Gray's head as he swerved his head left and right, barely avoiding the woman's foot.
"Wait wait wait! This is just a misunderstanding!" Gray said as he continued to dodge the raging women.
Erza finally stopped as she glared down at him, "Misunderstanding? Well, then clear it up for me! It looks like you were hiding out behind this rock to peek at us while we trained, and then groped Yor's breasts when you got found!"
Gray hurriedly waved his hands, "Not at all! I was just here with Captain Ginyu and the Ginyu Force earlier when I got tired from the... training...yeah, the training we did! So I sat down and fell asleep!"
Gray looked at Yor for help, as she looked much more reasonable than her friend, but Yor just blushed as their eyes met and looked away.
That would've been cute if your friend wasn't trying to cave my head in!
"Really? You were training with Captain Ginyu? THE Captain Ginyu of the Ginyu Force just happened to come to Planet Vegeta, and spent his precious time training you, a no-name Saiyan, in what just happens to be our training spot?" Erza asked, looking down at him with disbelief.
"Well, when you put it like that..."
"Even if I believed your stupid story for some reason, that doesn't explain why you just groped Yor's breasts! What's your excuse this time? The sun was in your eyes or something!?" Erza shouted down at him, making eye contact with him.Gray stared into her eyes. Erza stared back. Gray stared some more. Erza stared back again.
"You weren't actually going to say that, right?"
"No! No! Of course not! There's no way I thought the sun, which had already set, made spots in my eyes, and that those spots turned out to be Yor's tits..." Gray said, scratching the back of his neck.
"Are you an idiot?" Erza asked incredulously as she stared down at him.
"No! I said that's not what I thought! I just... um... uh... groped them because they were super nice and soft! Like, totally irresistible!" Gray said, knowing immediately that he gave a bad answer as fire reignited in Erza's eyes.
"I'll kill you!" She screamed as she raised her foot upwards again.
"Wait!" Erza stopped her incoming attack as Yor spoke up, turning to look at the older woman.
Yor blushed as she looked away, her arms crossed and covering her breasts, "I'll take responsibility... it's not his fault that my breasts are so irresistible."
She then looked over at Gray, an overly serious look on her face, "When shall the wedding be?"
+100 Reputation with Yor (For seducing her) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Cute Pawn]]
When the fuck did I seduce her?
"You're not getting married!" Erza shouted as she swatted the back of Yor's head.
"But I still have some vacation days! 10 should be enough for the wedding and honeymoon, right?" Yor asked with an innocent look on her face.
"Lord Frieza doesn't give us vacation days," Erza sighed, looking back at Gray and jerking her thumb towards Yor, "Seriously, what were you doing here? We found you passed out behind this rock, and she got worried."

Nightmare Mode (Dragon Ball Z Gamer SI)
AdventureGray Tanaki was an average anime fan until he found himself reincarnated in a Dragon Ball RPG! The difficulty is... nightmare? How can an average man survive when his enemies are smarter, stronger, and canon has gone out the window? By being a badas...