Overwhelming Power (28.2)

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"General the experiment is nearly complete. Dr. Gero estimates it'll be ready in another week."

I nodded, not turning around in my chair as the nameless henchman gave his report.

"I will be leaving the planet soon," I intoned, pausing for a moment and letting the man's back stiffen, "Lord Cooler wants me back on the frontlines."

"B-But if you're gone, General, then who will supervise the project?!" The man asked, his voice fluctuating with panic.

"...Lord Cooler does not see the same value in the project that I do," I responded bluntly. I paused for another moment, then shouted backward.

"Enter, Dr. Gero!"

The man behind me jumped, not expecting me to know that Dr. Gero was right behind the door eavesdropping on the conversation.

"General," The Doctor replied evenly, stepping through the door.

"Congratulations," I said, though my voice had no inflection of joy, "You're now in charge of the project."

"What if the Lieutenants become a problem, General?" The Doctor responded.

"You have permission to kill them," I responded evenly, "Do whatever you need to continue to project. I have just one condition, Doctor..."

"Yes, General?"

A large, shark-like grin filled my face. I spun around, locking eyes with the Doctor.

"Don't blow up the planet."


Yeah, definitely an XP farm.

Gray stared down at the chaos below him - a barren coast filled with craters, bodies, and a battle. A very slow battle.

Seriously, they're using laser guns? This is all Frieza sent to take over Earth?

The last line of defense - or, the second to last line of defense, as Gray assumed that Raditz's squad was the actual last line - was a collection of various aliens. Most of them didn't seem to be similar races, as the group looked almost like a rainbow with all the colors of their skin. They were huddled behind - and Gray wasn't kidding about this - flipped-over cars.

Semi-trucks, Kia's, Hyundai's - you named it. A huge line of cars were flipped on their side, creating make-shift barricades for the alien soldiers - the majority of whom were wielding laser pistols. It only took Gray a moment to realize why they were using such a stupid tactic. There were hundreds of figures scattered around the rolling hills and mountains that led down to the coast, and all of them looked familiar.


[Artifical Intelligence]

Age: 1

PL: 48,000,000

HP: 75,000/75,000

TKI: 750,000/750,000

Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)

Modifier - This individual has no modifier.

Tall, lanky orange-haired men were scattered across the landscape, their hands occasionally rising as they launched a Ki blast at the wall of vehicles. It looked less like a battle and more like the Vier's having fun watching the aliens run and scatter with every attack.

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