Monster Carrot (32.1)

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Unfortunately, it was not as simple as 'blowing that rabbit sky high.' There were some semantics that needed to be handled.

Mainly: The civilians nearby.

"We'll need to evacuate everyone nearby. The impact from the attack with create a large crater at the least. At worst, there could be an earthquake," Bulma said, the group now no longer on the rooftop. They had gone into the Capsule Corporation building and were looking at a large map of West City.

"At worst the planet will be destroyed," Celia corrected dryly, "I sensed Monster Carrot's energy when we flew past that block. He's no pushover. Gray will need to put some power into his attack to take him down."

"Enough power to destroy the whole Earth?" Krillin asked, the man's eyes bugging slightly as he looked at Gray.

+50 Reputation with Krillin (For being so strong) [2x [A Humble Master]]

"No," Celia shot him down, "But the whole city at least. Even if Gray shot point-blank down at him, the outflow of energy from the attack would cause a crater large enough to put the whole city into the ground."

"You're not destroying the city," Tien said bluntly, staring seriously at Gray.

"Obviously," Gray nodded, "If I shot the beam anywhere near the ground, then the whole city would feel the impact. But, you know where they wouldn't feel it?"

"If you shot it into the air," Celia finished for him, nodding in agreement.

"Hah. If only it were that simple," Tien grunted.

"The whole problem with Carrot is that he won't go into the open," Bulma said, looking at Gray, "He uses his power to his advantage. He and his men connect all the buildings, turning them into a big connected maze. The only time he's not in an enclosed area is when he's attacking the next block, and he does that at random. Unless you want to sit and watch all day everyday, it'd be impossible to catch him. And, if you did that, then he would notice you and never come out."

"That's why we'll make him come out," Gray hummed, "I'll just blow up all the buildings."

"You can't, he keeps the people he turns into carrots stashed in them so..." Bulma trailed off, understanding dawning in her eyes.

+100 Reputation with Bulma (For creating an intelligent plan) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]]

"People that we'll wish back with the dragon balls," Gray nodded, "I'll destroy his cover and force him into the open."

"Even if you do, you still need to get him off the ground," Bulma countered, "That's why you can't just take him down while he's in the buildings. You can't just throw him into the sky, because you can't touch him. If you do, you'll be turned into a carrot."

"I'll make him come to me," Gray explained, holding up a gun-shaped hand as the tip of his finger glowed, "If he stays on the ground, it'll just be a firing range. At that point, it's a 50/50. Either he tries to run away before I kill him with Ki bullets, or he charges at me. Either way, he'll end up dead."

Considering Gray could sense energy, he'd be able to track Carrot no matter where he ran. Unless the rabbit had a hiding spot that forced Gray into hand-to-hand combat, he would have no way of escaping.

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