The New Commander (30.1)

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"Is this why you brought one of your kind to me, Raditz?! For amusement?" Cui shouted, grabbing his stomach as he started laughing uncontrollably, "You Saiyans may be weak, but at least you're enter-"

95,500! (1,115,050/1,210,550)

Cui's words were cut off and Gray's arm lashed up, his palm pushing forward and slamming directly into Cui's face. The purple alien was sent flying backward, a sonic boom ringing out as he was thrown through the cave opening.

His body was blown away in a blur, the ocean around him parting from the sheer force of the blow. In an instant, Cui disappeared.

"Well, I guess that's one way to handle it," Celia said dryly, staring at the spot Cui had been.

"C-Commander Cui!" One of the various aliens in the room shouted, jumping out of their seats and beginning to walk toward Gray. They didn't get close, as Saeko stepped forward and pointed her blade threateningly at them.

"Relax," Gray shouted back, staring out at the ocean, "He's not dead."

Unfortunately, Cui didn't just drown at sea. A moment later, a huge white burst of Ki roared out from the ocean the cave overlooked, waves and water flying upwards.

"Even if you are hilarious, I won't forgive this disrespect! How dare a lowly Saiyan harm the Great Commander Cui!" Cui's voice boomed out, the purple alien shooting out of the ocean. He glared at Gary and then blitzed forward. His arm cocked back, streaming directly for Gray's face.

In return, Gray casually raised his hand, Cui's fist slamming into his palm. He abruptly jerked his arm back, pulling Cui into him as his other hand shot upwards. His other fist slammed into Cui's stomach, breaking through the Saiyan armor completely as it shattered into pieces.

125,000! (990,050/1,210,550)

Spit flew from Cui's mouth, the alien hunching over as the wind was knocked out of him, but Gray wasn't done yet. His fist shifted into a flat hand, and he reached over, both of his hands gripping Cui's arm. He yanked upwards, pulling the Commander off his feet and into the air.

Then, he pulled both of his arms sideways, spinning around as he spun Cui through the air like a discus. He let go of Cui's arm after one revolution, sending the purple alien bursting through the air and into the ocean again. The sea parted again, waves and whirlpools forming as the ocean was disrupted by Cui being flung through it once again.

"Just so we're clear, I'm not with him!" Nami said quickly, the orange-haired girl holding up her hands in surrender at Gray. Gray opened his mouth to reassure her, but didn't get the chance as he had to raise his palm again. Cui blasted out of the ocean again, the furious alien blasting at him again, only to be stopped in his tracks in the same way.

"You'll pay for this, you dam-" Cui's head snapped back as Gray's fist slammed into it, sending the man sprawling into the ground below, and knocking over various computers in the room as a crater formed from the impact.

95,000! (895,050/1,210,550)

Why do they have computers without power? We're in a fuckin' cave!

"Listen, I don't wanna have to keep throwing you in the ocean, so just-" Gray was cut off as Cui tried to lunge at him with another punch, which he caught casually.

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