Ok, this game has to be trolling me. There's no way that Asuna is the Asuna I know, right? But why the fuck would any sane Saiyan name their daughter Asuna?
Gray mainly stuck with mainstream shows, with Dragon Ball being his favorite, but even he'd seen SAO.
It was literally everywhere for a good couple of years.
"She's a recently graduated recruit. This is her first mission as Raditz's vice-captain, and she was assigned that position because of the way she graduated." Celia continued.
Gray pushed his thoughts out of his brain, deciding that she had to just be a Saiyan conveniently also named Asuna, "The way she graduated?"
"Her family is... odd, for Saiyans. I like them, actually. They use their brains. Her father has ties to an elite in the Frieza Force, and he got her to graduate as an A-Class. Father took her as one of his troops as payback and put her with Raditz so she'd die on Earth." Celia explained.
"So, should I assume she's pretty weak?" Gray asked the green-haired girl.
"She's very weak compared to most vice-captains. She's even weak compared to most A-Class trainees. She's probably a bit stronger than Kolra was." Celia answered.
"That's not great to hear," Gray sighed, "We're being sent to a planet where even the Frieza Force is being defeated, and all we have as reliable backup is Raditz."
"Don't act so hopeless, it's weird on you. The rest of the squad isn't weak by any means, and you'll have me and Saeko as well, though I'm hoping you'll do the heavy lifting." Celia said with a soft smile.
"Oh, yeah. I've never actually seen your full power, since you're always hiding it. How strong are you?" Gray asked, smiling back at her.
She has a nice smile, but it's weird seeing it when her face is always so blank.
"Luckily, I brought a scouter with me. I was going to use it to get a more accurate read on some of the soldiers who'll be on the mission with us, but you can use it for now." Celia said, her face going blank again as she stood up, pulling a scouter out from her back pocket and handing it to him.
Gray put on the scouter to keep up appearances, then used [Observe] on the girl.
[Survivalist] Celia:
[Sayian Princess]
Age: 16
PL: 22,980,550
HP: 45,000/45,000
TKI: 862,000/862,000
Reputation: 620/1000 (Liked)
[Survivalist] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will do whatever it takes to survive.
So, she's a bit of a glass cannon? A high power level, and an insane amount of Ki, but not much HP. More importantly...
"You're this strong, and you didn't help with Kolra? Hell, you could've taken him by yourself when he first showed up!" Gray asked, staring at her incredulously.
"Actually, I wasn't this strong," Celia said, staring down at her hand, clenching and unclenching it slowly, "I still don't understand why, but I became much stronger on Vargon. When Kolra first appeared, I was close to you in strength. As I cleaned up the remaining small and large-kind on Vargon, I noticed my Ki increasing rapidly. Even during your last battle with Kolra, I felt stronger just by watching your Ki's clash."

Nightmare Mode (Dragon Ball Z Gamer SI)
AventureGray Tanaki was an average anime fan until he found himself reincarnated in a Dragon Ball RPG! The difficulty is... nightmare? How can an average man survive when his enemies are smarter, stronger, and canon has gone out the window? By being a badas...