Push up. Fall down.
Meeting Kami would be risky. I know he's a nice guy, but we're the bad guys-
Push up. Fall down.
-We're invading his planet.
Push up. Fall down.
I don't know how strong he is. If he's training the Humans to fight back, then he must be strong.
Push up. Fall down.
Stronger than me at least. It's risky.
Push up. Fall down.
High risk, high reward. He could just try and kill us the second we meet, but if he doesn't-
Push up. Fall down.
-we could try and get access to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
Push up. Fall down.
No, too risky. There are better options.
Push up. Fall down.
Hide and train until I'm strong enough to face Raditz. I still have my tail, and he won't have his.
Push up. Fall down.
It's possible, but the rest of the squad is the problem. I'd need to train a lot.
Push up. Fall down.
Too risky. By the time I get that strong the Raditz Squad and Frieza Force will likely be wiped out by Cooler. Not enough time.
Push up. Fall down.
Make amends with Raditz?
Push up. Fall down.
He might just try to kills us, but if he didn't-
Push up. Fall down.
-then that would be the optimal path. We'd have the squads support and-
Push up. Fall down.
-the problem of trying to take down an army of Ozaru's would go away.
Push up. Fall down. Gray scoffed to himself mid-pushup.
As if. My body would never let me apologize to him, even if it was the best option.
Push up. Fall down.
I'm not a bitch either. I'll kill him before I ever apologize.
Gray grunted, pushing himself to his feet as a notification appeared.
[Push Up] level up! (2500/2500)
+10 STR for leveling up an STR-related skill! (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])
+100 XP (10x multiplier from [Nightmare Mode])
"Level five," Gray hummed as the skill leveled up. The skill XP ramp-up was frustrating for him, as it took literally thousands of push-ups for Gray to get the skill to level five. Not that he minded training - it gave him time to think as he did a mindless task, and his pushups were much quicker than an average person's. He was standing in a relatively large opening between the hundreds of trees surrounding him, the rest of his team sleeping a hundred or so feet away. His Saiyan armor was leaning against a tree nearby, leaving him in just his under-armor as he trained.

Nightmare Mode (Dragon Ball Z Gamer SI)
AdventureGray Tanaki was an average anime fan until he found himself reincarnated in a Dragon Ball RPG! The difficulty is... nightmare? How can an average man survive when his enemies are smarter, stronger, and canon has gone out the window? By being a badas...