Chapter 1

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Written by lostboys_lostgirls :)


"Atticus, I would like to have a word with you after class." My English teacher told me after he saw me drawing in my notes, not caring what he or other people thought.

The bell rang and I just sat there, waiting for everyone to file out of the room. Mr. Green walked over to the desk I was sitting at and sat down on the desk infront of me.

"Atticus, I know how hard it must be for you. Its only been two mouths since that tragedy," That tragedy he was talking about was my parents death. They were famous doctors, they traveled the world helping poor families in need. That's how they died, they were at a makeshift hospital when it was blown up, no body knows the full story.

I basically lived with my aunt for as long as I can remember. I still loved my parents and I saw them a lot through video messaging but it wasn't the same as in person.

I'm not going to lie, there death hurt because I had realized that I truly was alone, my parents were never coming back.

"But I know your parents wouldn't want you to be failing and I know your aunt doesn't want that." He continued.

"I don't know what to do, I don't understand this class." I said lightly and it was true English is complicated once you have to analyze.

"How about you try and pay attention." He suggested.

"I don't understand it though. Why do you think I draw in the first place?" I argued.

He sighed, "Fine, how about we give you a personal tutor. Sometimes I feel that people your age learn better from people there own age."

"Who?" I asked.

"I don't know yet, I need to have a meeting with your aunt about your grades and I need to ask a few people. I know you are a smart kid and you have potential, it kills me to see it go to waste." Ah, the classic potential speech.

"Okay, I'll talk to my aunt and I will see you later." I said and walked out of the room and to my locker. He was my last class of the day.

As I stuffed my books in my locker and noticed that the halls were thinning out. The only people left in the halls were the sluts trying to seduce the jocks before practice.

I closed my locker and stopped in my tracks as I saw Christian Anderson, in all he golden glory. His blonde hair styled in a messy way that seemed sexy. His piercing blue eyes landed on me as he smiled showing his perfectly white teeth.

My eyes widened slightly and I smiled back, hoping that I didn't look stupid.

He walked passed me and I watched him walk out of the doors and head to the field.

I was interupted by someone slamming me into the lockers, "Anderson? Really, that's the person your inner fag is drawn to?" Jesse, my personal bully, chuckled.

I am openly gay, that is one of the reasons I'm an introvert. The constant bullying from just one person hurt me enough to not speak to anyone in fear of being looked down on for my sexuality.

I turned around, facing Jesse, "I need to get home." I said lightly as I tried to walk past him.

He placed his hand on my chest and pushed me. I stumbled back and just before I could hit the ground someone caught me.

I turned to see Christian, my eyes widened, "Chri-" I started but was cut off.

"Anderson, you should probably leave. Harp is all mine." Jesse hissed as he pulled me to him. I wore a look of disgust.

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