Chapter 10

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Written by @EdnaAlicePine


It really is just my luck that I would see him my first time here.

I shook my head, trying to get the look in Atticus' eyes out of my head as I walk into the therapist's office, the card's stiff corners biting into the skin in my palm.

I didn't want to be here, but somehow.. this felt like this was exactly where I needed to be. Besides, I kinda needed someone to talk to.

I took a small breath before walking through the already opened door, surprised to see an unexpectedly young guy with his feet up on the desk, head bowed towards his phone.

Clearing my throat, I knocked softly on the door. Calmly, his raised his eyes to meet mine and asked me to take a seat wherever.

I sat on the couch.

He typed some more on his phone and, taking his feet off of his desk, leaned forward, leaning on his elbows. "You can call me Sean, by the way. No need to go through the formalities. I pretty much know everything about you vicariously through Atty, which you probably already know."

Jesus, whatever happened to patient confidentiality? I thought, my mind stuck on the knowledge that Atticus talked about me.

Seeing my confused face, he smirked, leaning back in his chair smugly. "So you don't know."

What? "Know What?" It was obviously some vital information about Atticus that he wasn't sharing.

"You know, it's kinda funny that even though you spend most of your time with him, tutoring, I'm sure, you don't know the teeny, tiny, huge fact that Atty's had a crush on you since the beginning of high school?" He said, a laugh bubbling out of him at the end.

Something in my chest stuttered. "What?"

Sean nodded, "I know right? Either Atticus must be better at hiding his feelings than I thought, or you really are one of those dumb jocks."

I frowned at that. "Hey! I'm not stupid. I just.. I didn't really think that there was a a chance." My mouth was operating on auto-pilot, mind still fumbling over the thought of Atticus returning the same feelings.

Sean was still talking, which, I thought, was very unprofessional of him, giving I was supposed to be doing the one talking and he was supposed to be listening, but, with this new information, I'm not complaining.

"And you know, when you joined the football team, he literally-"

"Wait wait wait wait- just- hold on a second! Please?" I asked, cutting him off. I added the please since that glare.. yeah that please was needed.

"Do you.. your positive that he likes me?" I asked, almost worrying my lip.

He raised an eyebrow, "Okay, I'm going to get very serious here. Ever since his parents passed, he didn't have an interest in anything anymore. No drawing, nothing. And he sees you," He pauses, looking me up and down. My face flushes at his obvious judgement, and I shift uncomfortably on the couch. "And to be honest, I thought it was one of those passing fancies, or whatever because Atty's attention doesn't catch anyone for that long. But then I hear more and more about you, and soon you became a regular topic in our daily sessions. He liked you more than he's liked anyone else before. A lot more. So, before I give you my blessing, I will warn you: Just because Atty likes you, doesn't mean that I trust that your not just another dumb jock that's gonna dump him after he's got his fill. Also, I'm much more than a therapist. Trust me."

I open my mouth to contradict him, but he hold his hand up, stopping me. "I didn't say you were, I just said that you needed to gain my trust before I perceive you as anything else." He smiled now, the seriousness evaporating in the room. "And now that me threatening you is over, I'll give you a little advice. Don't push him to accept his feelings. Act like nothing has changed, tutor him, do whatever. But don't make it seem like you changed your mind."

I gape at him. "How the hell am I supposed to do that?"

He laughed- well, giggled- and wiggled his eyebrows. "I don't know, figure it out."


I spend the rest of my day in my room, thinking up a plan.

It comes to me when I'm eating a banana. I'll just.. tease him.

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