Chapter 8

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Written by @EdnaAlicePine


He only let you in the house because he needs you to help him study, remember? Or did you suddenly forget why you came here? And what did I do wrong for him to act like this? I defended him! And this is what I get?

Now, instead of sad, I was angry. I didn't do anything he said not to, I never intruded on his business, I never forced him to talk about his Mom or Dad, I barely even talked to him outside of school! I haven't done anything he could be upset with me about...except the maybe beating those guys up, but.. It was the only way I could think of helping him! And it's not like the entire school knows that I helped him, either. Hell, no one knows I'm even tutoring him, for fuck's sake!

Letting my backpack slide off my shoulder and hit the floor, I stalk into the living room, ready to ask him why the hell was he mad?


Squaring my shoulders, I walk in, ready to just leave already but I knew that I had to address this now, not just slide over this like it didn't happen.

He was sitting, books open around him, already turning the pages like there was nothing else in the world to worry about except his homework.

I walked closer, sitting down when I was close enough, my leg almost bumping his. "Why are you mad at me?"

Dark eyes looked up at me quickly, startled. Redness flooding his cheeks. "W-What?"

Resisting the frown that was waiting to come up, I cleared my throat. "I said, why are you mad at me? And don't act like you didn't freaking hear me, Atticus." I ended quickly, raising an eyebrow at him blankly.

Turning from shocked to angered, he frowned, "You mean you don't even know?"

Scoffing, I shrugged. "I don't see any plausible reason in the world why you would be mad at me! I've done nothing!"

He let the papers in his hands fall to the ground. "Are you stupid? You haven't done nothing! First, you- you insisted on looking at my notebook-"

"-I did not insist! You let me-"

"-And then, and then you just had to get into my business and mess everything up-"

"They were going to hurt you!-"

"They'd never touched me before in my life, Christian! And now, you made everything worse! Everything! Everything was fine until you happened." His voice was hoarse by the time he was finished.

We were chest to chest now, him glaring up at me, and I, shocked into a wary silence.

"Why is it so bad that I care?!" I couldn't help but yell, trying to prevent the pool behind my eyes from breaking.

"Why do I matter that much to you?! Why can't you just stay away-"

I slid my fingers into his hair and roughly pushed my lips onto his, finally letting the tears fall. They were soft, molding easily against mine. Slowly, the kiss slowed and our lips separated softly.

In this moment, I realized one thing: He didn't kiss me back.

"That's why." I said.

And then I left.

okay! so it's a little short, but that's only because it's a whole new level of emotion and yeah :) I hope you guys like it!!

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