Chapter 6

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Written by EdnaAlicePine


I slide into Atticus' car, waiting for his return since he decided to make conversation with the nurse. I just hoped he didn't plan on asking her anything.

I click my seat belt on and decide to take a look around the inside of the car, the black seats and grey accents set off the unusual sparks of random color, like the dark blue steering wheel, or the blood red pedals, which- even I had to say, looked amazing against the dark backround.

Atticus returned, a frown above his eyes. I waited for him to start the car but he just sat there, staring ahead blankly.

"Hey.. are we gonna go now or-," I start before he cuts me off.

"Are you going to tell me what happened in there?" He asked, his voice hard.

"Would you be mad if I said nothing?" I asked tentatively, not wanting to lie, but not wanting to tell him either.

"Well, since nothing isn't at all the nurse told me what happened, yeah. Yeah I would." He said, turning towards me, eyes confused. "For as long as I've known you, though it might not have been long, you don't start fights. Not unless they said something or did something first."

I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, because I knew he was right. I'm not much of a fighter, I don't like conflict. But I'm never going to stand down and let someone openly hurt someone I know.

"So, what did they say to you?" He coaxed, dark eyes boring into mine insistently.

"N-nothing-," I started.

He cut me off again, "Listen. I'm tired, I had a shitty day and I'm really not in the mood for more crap. So please, all judgement aside, just tell me."

I knew I wouldn't be able to keep it from him much longer, or I'd just break the small bond we had already. "They... they said something about you," I muttered, voice too quiet at the end for him to hear it all.

"What? The said something about who?" He prodded.

I cleared my throat, turning towards him fully now. "They were talking about you, Atticus."

I still hadn't looked at him, but the silence that answered was so deafeningly loud that I had to look back at him.

He was staring at me, eyes wide with some kind of emotion, when suddenly they closed off and he turned forwards again, starting the car abruptly.

My throat closed up, and I didn't understand. Why could he be mad at me for defending him?

I wanted to ask but my throat felt too dry to speak and the air felt too thick to ask. So we rode in silence.

Finally, we pulled up to my driveway. I was just heading out the door when he uttered lowly, "You don't know me. I'm not someone who needs pity, or someone who needs your charity. Letting you look inside my notebook was a mistake, I knew it was, I just thought you wouldn't treat me how everyone else did." He laughed, but the sound was nowhere near amusing, it made my chest feel heavy. "Why.. why did I think you were different, Christian?" Even in my pain, I noticed how much I liked to hear my name on his lips.

"I.. I don't know." Came my whispered reply. I didn't know he thought I was different, I didn't know he had hope in me, I didn't know.

I didn'the even know why it was starting to feel like I was drowning everytime I'm with him, or why I notice the little things about him. Like how he scrunched up his nose before laughing, or how he bit his lowe lip when he was unsure of something.

Or how I wonder how they would feel beneath mine and-

I could feel my face draining of color as I stood outside the closed door and watched him drive off. I couldn't even say...

What did I want to say, huh? Oh, I like you, even though I totally just messed up everything?

I sighed, shaking my head and muttering to myself, and stuffed my hands in my pockets, frowning when I felt something a little thicker than regular paper collapse under my fingers. I pull it out, clutching it tightly so it doesn't catch the wind and fly away.

It was the card Atticus gave me for his therapist. And honstly? It didn't sound so bad right now.

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