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∆ Endless Janitorial Opportunities ∆

The streets of the town are eerily quiet as you make your way toward Circus Baby's Pizza World. The overcast sky has darkened with the approach of evening, casting a shadow over the worn buildings and narrow streets. You check the address on your phone once more to ensure you're heading in the right direction.

Ahead, the pizzeria looms, its neon sign flickering with a distorted glow. As you approach, the lights outside the building seem to hum with a foreboding energy.

You enter the building and are greeted by an empty, dimly lit lobby. You glance around, taking in the faded decor and peeling wallpaper. The place feels frozen in time, a relic from a bygone era.

Do people still come here? It looked like it hadn't received any maintenance in years... even the air was thick with dust and the faint smell of stale pizza.

Following the email's instructions, you make your way to the elevator in the corner of the lobby. The elevator is small and metal, with a single button to activate it.

Taking a deep breath, you press the button. The elevator doors slide open with a shudder, revealing a dimly lit interior. You step inside and press the button to descend.

As the elevator begins its descent, a crackling voice fills the small space.

"Welcome to the first day of your exciting new career."

You glance around, searching for the source of the voice. The elevator's metal walls seem too plain to hide anything, but the voice was there, loud and robotic.

"Whether you were approached at a job fair, read our ad on Craigslist, or if this is a result of a dare... We welcome you."

You try to focus on the voice, but the elevator's screeching sounds make it difficult to hear clearly.

"I will be your personal instructor to help you get started. I'm a model 5 of the Handyman's Robotics and Unit-Repair System. But you can call me HandUnit. Your new career promises challenge, intrigue, and endless janitorial opportunities."

Suddenly, a small yellow keypad with googly eyes extends from a compartment in the elevator.

"Please enter your name as seen above the keypad. This cannot be changed later, so please be careful."

You notice a piece of tape with your name on it. You know how to spell your own name... you didn't need a visual example...

Despite the shakiness of the elevator, you manage to type in your name.

"Welcome, Y/N!"

The elevator jolts as it comes to a halt. You stand confused when the doors don't open. You begin to panic, wondering if the old contraption is broken. Then-

"You can now open the elevator using that bright red and obvious button. Let's get to work!" the robotic voice somehow managed to sound sarcastic and even a little impatient.

Only then do you notice the red button next to the descent button. You had honestly thought it was just some sort of light before.

Pressing the button, the doors open to reveal a dimly lit corridor, with flickering lights casting unsettling shadows on the walls.

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