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∆ Night Zero: Don't Smile ∆

After you and Lolbit shook on your deal—protection from him in exchange for a week of keeping him entertained and earning his favor—you followed him through the vent back to the primary module room.

Lolbit’s movements were fluid and assured, his mechanical limbs clicking softly as he navigated the tight space. You struggled to keep up, trying to match his pace while your thoughts raced. How were you supposed to entertain or make him like you ? You had a week to figure it out, and the pressure was already weighing on you.

When you finally emerged into the primary module room, Lolbit wasted no time. He made a beeline for the lone swivel chair in the room and plopped down with a dramatic flourish. The chair, a worn-out piece of office furniture, creaked under his weight, and he leaned back with an air of casual dominance.

Lolbit’s gaze flickered up to you as he settled into the chair, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. “Well, here we are. The stage is set, and the spotlight’s on you. What’s the first act?”

You stood there awkwardly, feeling the weight of his scrutiny. The room seemed to close in around you, the walls lined with faded, dusty posters and the remnants of old equipment. The stark contrast between Lolbit’s nonchalance and your own mounting anxiety was palpable. surely he didn't mean you had to actually do something to entertain him?

You weren't exactly known for your entertaining skills, and it showed as you stood there, stuttering and struggling for something to say or do.

The awkward silence seemed to stretch on forever, each second feeling like an eternity.

“I, uh—” you stammered, your mind racing for anything remotely amusing.

In a moment of desperation, you grabbed a nearby dusty old hat from a shelf and placed it on your head, striking a silly pose and attempting a forced grin.

“Ta-da?” Lolbit’s eyes lit up with amusement as he watched your clumsy attempt at humor.

He let out a sharp, mechanical laugh that echoed through the room, its mocking tone almost musical.

“Oh, that’s rich,” Lolbit chuckled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Is this your grand performance? A hat trick?”

Another fit of laughter overtook him, but it was cut short by a sharp hiss of pain as he grabbed the side of his face.

“What's wrong?” you asked, alarmed.

You recalled Foxy’s earlier attack on him and hadn’t thought Lolbit could actually feel pain, so his display of discomfort was shocking.

“Oh, nothing,” Lolbit replied, forcing a casual tone despite the evident pain. “Just a broken faceplate as a reward for protecting you—my grand gesture for a lousy hat trick in return.”

“Well... to be fair, it did make you laugh,” you said, trying to lighten the mood.

“Only because you looked absolutely fucking ridiculous,” Lolbit growled, his face plates shifting in annoyance. “Points for you, I guess.”

The broken faceplate was still partially detached, sticking out awkwardly and not able to go back into place. Not knowing much about robotics, you hesitated before offering, “Maybe I can fix it?”

Lolbit’s expression softened slightly, a mix of surprise and skepticism in his eyes. “Oh? And how do you plan to do that? With your vast expertise in animatronic repair?”

“Well,” you said, determined despite your lack of experience, “I can at least try. It’s better than leaving you like this, right?”

Lolbit's eyes flickered with a hint of curiosity, watching you as you approached with tentative steps. “Alright, but don’t expect miracles. And try not to make it worse. I’ve already had enough pain for one night.”

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