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"Don't try to spin this on me now, you're the one sitting here with another man when you have a fiancé," Collins said.

Andrew stood from where he was sitting.

"Leave me out of this mess," he said.

"Sit down!!" Krystal commanded.

Andrew couldn't leave yet, his card was still with Krystal and he didn't want to make a mistake of leaving it with him the second time.

"What is wrong with you?" Collins said to Krystal.

"No, what is wrong with you."

Krystal never stood up to Collins while they were married. She couldn't even if she wanted to, she had no confidence for it.

"Where are you coming from?" Krystal had asked Collins after waiting up all night for him and he showed up only the next morning.

"I don't think I need to answer that question," he said, strolling into the living room.

Krystal stood from where she was sitting on the couch and towards him.

"I am your wife."

He didn't look at Krystal even once and just walked up straight to the bedroom. He didn't think he owed her any explanations. On most days, she didn't even feel like his wife. He didn't respect her enough to treat her like one.

"I am talking to you," Krystal said in a low tone.

"I waited all night for you to come back and you're saying nothing to me?"

"I didn't ask you to," Andrew said, walking up the stairs.

He had no iota of remorse in his eyes. He never was like that before they got married. He was the sweetest man she knew and slowly into marriage, things had changed and she couldn't even speak up for herself anymore.

She feared saying anything. She didn't want him to leave her. She was scared of being alone, of having no one around and that made her endure everything he threw at her.

Trisha walked towards the table with two smoothies in her hands. She had heard some noise from the table but wasn't sure what was going on.

She walked closer and noticed it was probably because of Collins.

"I think you should go," Krystal said to Collins who had eventually realized that Krystal wasn't lying and was in fact with Trisha.

Collins said nothing and just walked away.

Andrew stood from the chair immediately Collins had left.

"Ain't you going to take your drink?" Krystal asked.

"I just want to leave, had enough for today especially with your rude fiancé. Can I just have my card?"

Krystal handed the card to him.

"Think about my offer, it's still on the table," she said before he then walked out.

Trisha sat immediately he left.

"What happened. What was all that commotion?" She asked, siping on her smoothie.

"It was Collins. Can you believe that guy?"

"Are you really serious about this deal with Andrew? What exactly is going on? You love Collins. You told me that yourself and now suddenly, you want someone else?"

"Things change just like how people change," she said.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

"I am sure and also, By the time I am done. You would understand why I am doing all that I am."

"We should leave now," Krystal said, picking up her bags and the other things she had bought.

Trisha did the same.

"You didn't tell me you were using Andrew's card. That's dangerous and risky," Trisha said, chuckling.

"I wanted him to come over and I also was the one who put my location on Collins phone."

"What game are you playing friend," Trisha said, laughing.

"You will get to know soon."

Trisha and Krystal got into the car. The driver who took them had been waiting all day.

The driver dropped off Trisha first at her place.

"Bye girlfriend," Trisha said getting off the car and Krystal waved, throwing a air kiss."

They got home several minutes later. Krystal got down from the car holding all her shopping bags while the driver held some for her.

Krystal figured her mum and dad must be asleep because the time was fast gone but has she opened the door to the living room, she realized they were still in and once she walked closer to were they were sitting, she realized there was someone else there too.


Collins stood from where he was sitting towards her.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just came to apologize. I am sorry about what happened earlier and I want you to know that it wasn't my intention to embarrass you or make a science. I should have trusted you," he said.

Krystal knew there was no other option for her than to accept his apology. Her parents eyes were fixated on both of them and she knew there was no going from there.

"It's fine."

Collins pulled her in for a hug and kissed her on the forehead.

"Thank you," he said.

"Can we do dinner tomorrow?" He asked.

Krystal didn't want to go anywhere with him, even to dinner. She just wanted to stay away from him.

Krystal thought hard for any excuse but none was coming to her head until she finally remembered something.

"I just remembered now that I won't be able to go, I have a cake tasting session with mum tomorrow," she said.

"No, you don't need to be there and also, it really doesn't have to be tomorrow. We can go some other days. I just want you two to go out and enjoy yourself."

Krystal forced a smile. She realized her mum had caught up with her lies and really just wanted to leave.

"I should go up now, I am very exhausted from the shopping," she said.

"You should go to rest then," Collins said.

"I will see you tomorrow then" he said and as he was about to kiss her on the lips, she evaded the lips and kept her cheeks there.

"I love you," Collins said but Krystal was silent and didn't say it back. That was the first time  she was doing that

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