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"What's all these that happened today!!" Krystal's dad said.

"You caught us all unaware, everyone is talking about it," her mum said.

They were both furious and didn't understand what just happened. They needed an explanation from Krystal but she wasn't bulging. She didn't seem like she wanted to explain anything to anyone.

"Mum, dad, I just need you to trust me on this."

"How do you want us to trust you when you never tell us anything."

"You liked Collins from what I know and we also do like him. He is a very responsible person and I have known him for a while too now since he started working in my company years ago."

"Dad, Collins isn't who you think he is," she said.

"What are you talking about?"her dad asked but she had no evidence, it was her words against his.

"I will explain to you later," she said. That was the only thing she could say for now.

"Everyone is talking about it," her mum said, scrolling through the uploaded videos from people at the wedding. The news blogs had carried it and everyone was analyzing it.

"Mum, the blogs are going to be fine. Everyone is going to be fine. Before you know it, something new is going to happen and people will talk about it."

"I need to go now," Krystal added.

"Where to?" Her dad asked.

"Home with my husband, I guess."

"I think that's what people do when they get married, follow their husbands home right?"krystal asked sarcastically.

"Bye dear, see you later," her mum said, giving her a hug.

"Bye mum."

"Bye, sweetheart. Call us," her dad said also giving her a hug.

She waved them goodbye and after sighting Andrew from afar, she decided to go meet him.

He was with some aunties and she could see from his reactions that he was already uncomfortable and needed saving from there.

On her way to meet Andrew, she was stopped by Trisha.

"You're leaving?" Trisha asked.

"Yes, I am going with Andrew."

"Are you sure about what you're doing though. I know I said I won't ask questions. I am just concerned and want to make sure you're okay."

"I am fine Trisha and thank you for being an amazing friend," Krystal said and pulled Trisha in for a hug.

Krystal walked towards where Andrew was and held Andrew in his hands.

"I think I need to steal my husband now," Krystal said.

"I wish you two the best," the aunty talking to Andrew said before walking away.

"Thanks aunty," Krystal said.

"Thank you for saving me,"Andrew said with a sigh.

"So, shall we," Krystal said and Andrew looked confused.

"Shall we what?"

"Go to your place, you're married now remember."

"That's true. You know, i didn't really do much thinking about the marriage part. Just the wedding part," Andrew said and Krystal rolled her eyes at him.

"Just kidding," Andrew laughed.

"Let's go."

Andrew helped Krystal into the car and they both sat at the back seat while the driver drove to Andrews's pent house.

They got to the pent house in about 30 minutes. Andrew helped Krystal down the car and instructed the driver to help bring the things inside.

He ushered her into the house.

"You have a beautiful home," Krystal said as they got in. She scanned around with her eyes and couldn't help but notice how well placed everything was and how beautifully decorated it all was.

"Thank you."

A lady and a guy walked towards were they where standing.

"This is Charles, my chef and this is Linda, she takes care of the house," Andrew said, introducing Krystal to them.

"And this is Krystal, my wife," he said and they all exchanged pleasantries.

"That felt weird to say," Andrew said. "My wife," he added.

Krystal smiled. "That's how it felt for me too the first time," she said.

"So, let me show you your room," Andrew said and they both walked up the stairs.

Krystal wondered why they weren't going to be staying in the same room but she didn't want to say anything about it.

She didn't mind about where she slept or didn't. There was only one thing on her mind and it was to get all evidences and pin Collins for everything that he is.

Andrew got to the room just opposite his after the stairs. He opened it and he walked into the second biggest room in the house.

"This isn't bad," Krystal said.

"It's the second biggest room in the house."

"Well, the one I have at home is bigger anyways," Krystal said and Andrew smirked.

"You live here now, remember," he added and she rolled her eyes at him.

Her things were dropped in the room.

"I should change my outfit and shower. I am so tired," Krystal said.

"Sure, that's fine. If you need anything, please let Linda know. If she can't get it, she would get across to me for it," he said.

"Thank you. I will keep that in mind," she said and then he walked out of the room while she closed the door behind him.

Krystal did exactly that and when she was done, she just lay in bed doing nothing. She did not stay up for long before drifting off to sleep.

Andrew woke up quiet early the next day. He had his early morning jog and he was almost late so he picked up his bag and made his way down the stairs.

Immediately he got down the flights of stairs, he saw someone sitting on the couch.

"Mum, what are you doing here this early," Andrew asked, walking closer to where he was.

She brought out her phone and played a video from the wedding the day before.

"Can you explain this?" She asked.

"Mum, it just happened."

"What do you mean it just happened!! You got married and couldn't tell your own mother!! Is that how much I mean to you now," his mum said making the saddest face ever.

"Mum, it's not like that. I would have told you if I had the time. I am so sorry," he said, knowing the kind of mother he has.

"I don't even know what to say to you."

"I don't even know this girl. I have never even met her. You didn't think me important to introduce me to her!!"

"Mum, mum, take it easy. I love you and you mean the world to me. This just happened and that's why you're finding out this way. It wasn't planned."

"Andrew, Andrew!" Krystal called from upstairs and walked down the stairs.

"Krystal, meet my mum. Mum, this is Krystal, my wife."

His mum walked closer to where Krystal was. Like she was examining her or something. Krystal had forgotten about this part of marriage. She didn't have to deal with it much when she was married to Collins because he never had any of his family around.

She didn't even know any of his family for years till they separated.

"Nice to meet you darling,"she said.

"Same here, ma," Krystal said.

"Call me mum," she said with a smile.

Andrew's mum turned to Andrew.

"I think I will be staying for the weekend."

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