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Krystal and Trisha talked for a few more minutes, talking about everything in each other's lives since the last time they saw and also everything about every other person. Krystal had missed her best friend so much.

"I should get going now, there is a case I am working on tomorrow. It's a big one and I need to prepare," Trisha explained. Standing from where she had been sitting.

"That's alright. One day I am going to need your expertise."

Trisha smiled.

"I will be here waiting for you and believe me, I am always at your service."

"I will try to visit too when work gets less stressful," Krystal said.

"I will be expecting you and this time, keep to your promise," Trisha said and they both laughed.

"Tell Andrew I said bye."

"I will."

Krystal walked Trisha to the door till she saw her wheel her car away.

Krystal went upstairs after Trisha had left. She was about to enter the room when she heard a voice singing from the bedroom.

She opened the door gently and realized it was Andrew with the beautiful voice.

Krystal stayed a while at the door just listening to him. She didn't want to interrupt him in anyway because his voice filled the whole room and surprisingly had a very calming effect.

"You have such a beautiful voice," Krystal suddenly said.

Andrew stopped singing and turned to look at Krystal.

"Didn't see you there," Andrew said.

"I didn't want to interrupt you."

Krystal walked closer to where Andrew was.

"I didn't know you sing."

"I used to," he replied.

"What do you mean used to? You have an amazing voice and the world needs to hear it."

"I don't anymore."

"Why?" Krystal asked.

"It's nothing."

"Do you play any instruments?" Krystal asked.

"Most people who sing always play one or more instruments and they are always good at it."

"I play the piano but I haven't in a long time too."

"Why?" While Krystal was still seeking answers to why Andrew had left music. They both heard calls of Andrew's name.

"Andrew!!! Andrew!!"

They both immediately left the room and went out the stairs.

Krystal sighted Andrew's mum and one other unfamiliar face which ran down to where Andrew was staying.

"Rita!!" Andrew called.

Rita jumped on Andrew and they engaged in a tight, long hug.

Krystal just watched all that was unfolding in front of her. There was nothing she could do or say as she could not even understand what was going on. Who Rita was and what she was even doing here.

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