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Chapter 10~Bonus
It was another ordinary day at the Agency, with the usual hum of activity filling the office. Papers shuffled, phones rang, and the steady rhythm of keystrokes punctuated the air. Kunikida sat at his desk, engrossed in a case involving a suspicious individual spotted lingering around a playground. His focused eyes scanned through documents as his mind was filled with thoughts like usual.

Yn perched on a stack of books, observing Kunikida's diligent work with a mix of admiration and curiosity. The office buzzed with the ambient sounds of conversation and the occasional clatter of a dropped pen. Everything seemed to be progressing smoothly—until a sudden, panicked shout pierced through the calm.
"Someone is looking into the office!"

The commotion was immediate and chaotic. Kunikida's head snapped up, and he quickly pushed away from his desk. He followed the noise to find his colleagues clustered around the window, their voices rising in alarm. They pointed animatedly, their faces filled with concern.

Fukuzawa, the usually composed leader of the Agency, emerged from his office with a look of displeasure. "What's all this noise about?" he asked, his tone a blend of irritation and curiosity.

"Boss, look outside! There's a weirdo staring in!" one of the agents exclaimed, their voice tinged with urgency.
Fukuzawa's brows furrowed as he approached the window. He peered outside and saw the figure—a person clad in a sleek black bodysuit and a balaclava that covered their features. Without hesitation, Fukuzawa threw open the window, his manly (^0^) voice cutting through the chaos. "Come in! Don't just stand there."

The figure hesitated, their body language betraying a moment of uncertainty before they stepped inside. The room fell silent as the intruder entered, the tension rose. Ranpo, his usual curious self , wasted no time. He strode over and yanked off the mask, revealing the face hidden beneath.

To everyone's shock, it was Ougai Mori—the notorious leader of the Port Mafia. His presence in the Agency's office was both unexpected and unsettling. Mori's expression was unreadable.

Mori rubbed the back of his neck, a nonchalant smile stretching across his face. "Hey everyone," he greeted with a casual air. Fukuzawa shook his head, a bemused expression on his face. "Well, I never thought I'd see the day when Ougai Mori would be dangling from a branch spying on us." He added with a touch of irony, "Spying isn't exactly your specialty, is it?"

Mori's grin widened. "Spying is a bit beneath me. Besides, I wasn't spying; I was just taking a stroll."
The room fell into an uneasy silence. It was Ranpo who broke it, his curiosity piqued. "The real question is how you managed to get to the fourth floor without breaking something."

Mori shrugged nonchalantly. "That wasn't very hard. You'd be surprised what determination can do"
Kunikida's eyes widened as he flipped through the file he had been working on. He suddenly gasped, his gaze snapping to Mori. "You're the creep who's been hanging around the playgrounds?"
Mori raised an eyebrow. "'Creep' seems a bit harsh. I prefer to think of it as a leisurely stroll through the neighborhood."

Before Kunikida could respond, Fukuzawa interupted, his tone firm but calm. "Can I ask why you're here, Mori?"
"Well," Mori began, his demeanor unruffled, "one of my employees mentioned that there was a young girl here."
Yn, still perched on the desk and listening intently, couldn't resist the chance to chime in. "Idiot, I'm not a little girl!"
Mori took a step back, momentarily taken aback. "This is her?" he asked, his surprise evident.

Kunikida nodded, his expression a mixture of frustration and relief. "Yes, Yn is an employee here. So, relax."
Mori rolled his eyes, his tone exasperated. "I wasn't interested in hitting on her. I was simply checking things out."
Fukuzawa, stepped forward. "Why don't we have a nice chat in my office?"

Mori's smile widened, and he followed Fukuzawa willingly. As they left the room, Kunikida let out a sigh. "That was awkward."

Tanizaki, who had been buried in a stack of papers, looked up with a puzzled expression. "Why are we even letting Mori into the Agency?"

Ranpo replied, "The boss will handle him if anything goes awry."With that, the office returned to its usual rhythm. The buzz of activity resumed, though the unexpected intrusion had left a lingering sense of unease.

Bonus! Idk like a character page?
Page taken from Kunikida notebook:April 5, 2021 "what I know about Yn so far"
Name: Yn
height: 30cm
Skill: Name unknown; Can make plans ans stragagies based on my Ideals
Occupation: Armed dectetive agency
Likes: Cats, Parks, and candy
Dislikes: Being called little, Lucy

Has black shoulder lenght hair, Pale skin, and Large blue eyes. She wears a white knee lenght sundress and white nike sneakers.

She was created by my Ideals, doesn't seem to be able to rememeber anything else.

When something is written into my notebook she can picture what the outcome will be, how effiecnt it will be,and what could be changed.

She may seem cold at first glance, It may take a bit to warm up to her. She has a bad temper and can lose her cool easily. But even though she is really caring and has good intensions even if she act before she thinks.

I noticed this bonus was longer then any other chapter I've released😭

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