The beginning

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The slim blonde walked down the crowded streets. Everywhere he went he passed by people; some students others lovers. He didn't have the time to note details of everyone. He kept going. The only thing keeping him going  was his ideals.

Once inside the armed agency building he went into his office. The slience was cut short when a familiar voice said "Oh kunikida-Kun, back to working I see. You know over working yourself can lead to ulcers and even depression".

kunikida opened his red notebook and started scribbling in it. The brown haired man snickered at how naive he could be. "Good to know" he replied. Dazai leaned against the desk casually.
"So....we're all going to the beach this weekend. Wanna come?" He asked.
"Sorry Dazai,I have a list of things to do"
He nods,"Well you take care  kunikida-Kun"

{later} Kunikida walked into his apartment. With. Turning on the light he walked to his room. According to his ideals he made it home right on schedule. Next was to get cleaned up and eat dinner.

After a refreshing shower he made some dinner. He made a hot bowl of Kare Raisu (It's a Japanese dish, it's curry and rice). Just the way he likes it. Each bite was better than the last. As he ate he reread his ideals,making sure he didn't miss even one thing.

It was 8:00pm when he finished. Exactly as planned,he headed to his office and sat down at the wooden desk by the window. The refreshing wind blew in as he wrote in his notebook. Hours passed as he scribbled down. The speed picked up ,he even started sketching. After another half hour he shut the book and signed
That's when he heard a little voice say "excuse me,where am I?"

He jumped out of his skin. Sitting on top of his ideals was a little lady. She was about 30 cm tall. She looked up at him with an angry look, "Are you going to answer?" She sneered.

Kunikida was shocked. That's when the realization hit him. He has created this girl from his ideals.

Sorry it was so short. This is my first story so I'm honestly not sure what to do

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